
Astrology & Travel

Once people navigated by the positions of the stars. Today, astrology can serve as a kind of spiritual travel agent, telling you, for example, about destinations likely to be good & less good matches for your temperament & personality. Give it a try!

Members: 38
Latest Activity: Nov 5, 2021

About Astrology & Travel

Have you ever traveled somewhere and felt oddly uncomfortable (beyond battling nasty bugs and even nastier desk clerks)? Conversely, you've probably visited a strange destination and unaccountably felt at home.

With travel astrology you can look up a destination, read the analysis, then check your sun sign (and your mate’s, lover’s, friends’, kids’, business partners’) and see how they fit with your trip’s purpose: business, romance, family, recreation.

In addition to this forum for asking questions and discussing astrological issues as they relate to travel, I'm happy to draw up astrological charts and even itineraries upon request; simply email me.

For more about astrology and travel, click here.

Discussion Forum

Using astrology to plan travel this holiday season


Started by Jordan Simon Nov 5, 2021.

Who you should travel with, based on your sign

Well, this particular astrologer got me, an Aries, partly right, though my partner in travel is a Cancer: "You’re a born leader, a pioneer, and a discoverer, which means you like being active on…Continue

Started by David Paul Appell Jun 22, 2019.

Where to travel in 2018 according to your sign

AFAR just came out with this, written by an astrologer (whom, oddly, they refuse to name lol): …Continue

Started by David Paul Appell Jan 10, 2018.

Horary question - anyone able to help?

No, I don't want homework help - but I've lost something and would really appreciate horary help in finding it.It's an inexpensive WI-FI detector gizmo that I've just sold on Amazon, but I cannot…Continue

Started by Jill Wood Mar 15, 2012.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Travel By Karul on October 15, 2010 at 8:57am
Thanks Jordan! I tried the link that was posted on the first page of this thread, but the thing that throws me off is my birth hour. I looked on my birth certificate and it doesn't say. I know it was night between 8 and 10pm so I plugged in 8, 9 and 10 lol. I'll have to try to get the exact time. Would love to get a full travel chart done.
Comment by Jordan Simon on October 14, 2010 at 10:22pm
Hi Karul, welcome! I think we all discover that cerrtain places resonate on a variety of levels---just as we feel connections with people. As you probably noticed if you read through this discussion, there are several forms of astrology that you can explore with regard to travel. And quite probably both Astrocartography and traditional astrology would reveal synchronicities between your natal chart and Egypt (possibly other destinatons, as well). But it all starts with your birth chart---or inner journey if you will....
Comment by Travel By Karul on October 14, 2010 at 9:37pm
Hi, just joined the group. What an interesting concept. I've never heard of travel astrology but it makes sense. I felt strangely at home the first time I visited Egypt and have been back many times since then. Wonder what that's about. Maybe I'll have to investigate!
Comment by Kat Morgenstern on October 13, 2010 at 7:01pm
oh dear, that sounds pretty horrendous. But hey, I suppose no matter what you would have gotten involved with would have been, um, challenging. At least this wasn't your marriage or anything like that. But yes, agreed, off topic.
Comment by Jordan Simon on October 13, 2010 at 6:57pm
Ha! Funny you should mention transits. I did of course look at them, as well as progressions. Transiting Pluto (in 5th) had squared Venus (in 2nd) when we agreed on the partnerships. A few months later, after we'd gotten the book contract from Avon, Neptune hit my descendant (willing self-deception about a partnership, LOL) while Saturn transiting my 9th house (publishing among other things) squared my natal Saturn in 6th (and yes, the project made my daily life hell). So not like I didn't foresee some difficulties, but hey, I had other crap going on, LOL.... Anyway, this is getting off group topic, but fun to revisit several years later! I did learn some things about myself (admittedly haven't implemented all those lessons!), about my collaborator, about astrology....
Comment by Kat Morgenstern on October 13, 2010 at 6:47pm
yes...funny how the mind finds ways to shut off reason when blinded by love or the promise of opportunity. But the important thing is you probably learnt a lot on many different levels, even though it hurt. Somehow the most important lessons usually do. Would be interesting to examine your own chart in terms of transits that were going on at the time.
Comment by Jordan Simon on October 13, 2010 at 6:43pm
Amen, Kat. Unfortunately most people don't even examine composite/synastry when considering life partners! I learned my lesson, just for business in that case. Though obviously sometimes we have to soldier on, and that was a great professional opportunity. Honestly, not sure I could have avoided problems even had I known the composite was almost comically disastrous, LOL (hey, maybe I intuited the chart would be tense, and put my blinders on)....
Comment by Kat Morgenstern on October 13, 2010 at 6:37pm
Can't stress enough the importance of composit /synastry charts when considering a trip partner!!!
Comment by Kat Morgenstern on October 13, 2010 at 6:37pm
Jordan - indeed, synastry/composit charts are so important when considering a partnership. Sometimes one does not have that info available and has to go with instinct, but, well, time will reveal...
Comment by Jordan Simon on October 13, 2010 at 6:16pm
Kat's right. It's almost impossible to generate accurate birthdates for ethnic groups. Political independence is as good as defining point as any. Patriotism doesn't supersede clanship/ethnicity, but it does encompass them. If a specific group has had a huge influence on a destination, I can almost guarantee that will somehow somewhere show up in a well-drawn destination chart.

So back to your question. I'd do Arizona, New Mexico, California, etc based on their official statehood... And the history and mosaic of cultures will be reflected in that chart.



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