Forrest Walker's Blog – January 2012 Archive (2)

Off to Sri Lanka

Here I am on an Air Arabia flight over the middle of the Indian Ocean on my way to a city I had never even heard of a year ago, Colombo. (I am wondering if I should be wearing a crumpled trench coat and smoking a cheap cigar, but I digress) Colombo is the capital city of a country I had only heard of because I am a news junkie, Sri Lanka. 

Sri Lanka is only a few years past a civil war that pitted the Tamil Tigers (never to be confused with the team from Detroit) against the…


Added by Forrest Walker on January 19, 2012 at 9:42am — No Comments

My Style for Seeing the World

My travel style,in case you are a new reader, is to hire a private guide with a comfortable car who is mine for the duration. I do not just show up and say "whatcha got." I do my own research with every book I can find and do not forget my wife is a university librarian. I also peruse all the social media sites, the usual suspects and a few that are truly suspect.

Then I start contacting guides using again every source I can find. If I send someone an email and get no response…


Added by Forrest Walker on January 18, 2012 at 10:30am — No Comments

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