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About NTA

What is NTA?

The National Tour Association is a trade organization of thousands of tourism professionals involved in the growth and development of the packaged travel industry. We are committed to providing business opportunities and professional education in an environment where our members can foster relationships with one another. Find out what we are all about — and why you should be one of us.

Who Our Members Are

The mark of NTA is one that our members wear proudly. The association's rich history and high standards make NTA members an elite group of industry leaders. Members make up the following categories:

Tour Operators (buyers)
Develop and sell travel packages. NTA's tour operator membership consists of 700 tour operator companies. To learn more about becoming a tour operator member, click here.

Tour Suppliers (sellers)
Provide the package components for tour operators and can fall into one of the following categories: hotels, attractions, restaurants, airlines, cruise lines, railroads, and sightseeing/receptive services*.

*The sightseeing/receptive services category benefits tour operators who want to sell receptive/sightseeing services or other tour packages to tour operators.

To learn more about becoming a tour supplier member, click here.

DMO (sellers)
Destination marketing organizations (DMOs) promote specific destinations or regions and include national tourism organizations, state and provincial tourism offices, convention and visitors bureaus, chambers of commerce, governmental agencies or instrumentalities. To learn more about becoming a DMO member, click here.

Associates (sellers)
Associate members provide products or services that support the packaged travel industry, but are not tour components. Associate member companies include marketing and consulting agencies, technology companies, logo and amenity providers and insurance organizations. To learn more about becoming an associate member, click here.

For more information on how you can become a part of NTA, call or e-mail us. Make NTA your home in the travel industry.

NTA Headquarters
546 East Main Street
Lexington, KY 40508 USA
800.682.8886 (U.S. and Canada)
859.226.4414 Fax

Profile Information

Are you connected to the tourism/travel/hospitality industries or travel media in any way? If so, please specify how (kindly include any relevant company names/Web sites!).
The National Tour Association is a trade organization of thousands of tourism professionals involved in the growth and development of the packaged travel industry.
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At 10:30pm on November 18, 2010, Nicholas Kontis said…
Please Place Your Travel Company on to the World Travel List
The World Travel List brings together avid travelers and trusted travel providers, such as yourselves. Over 10,000 people post and follow us Facebook. You make your ad and list it under your appropriate country.


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Be Seen, the WORLD TRAVEL LIST, free classified listings for the travel industry, Tours, Vacation Rentals, Restaurants, Car Rentals, Hotels, Resorts, Tourist Boards, Local Airlines and more. WORLD TRAVEL LIST the premier travel g...
At 9:14am on July 30, 2010, Tripatini said…
Welcome to Tripatini, the online travel community the New York Post called “Facebook for travelers.” On Tripatini, you can mingle with travelers and top travel experts alike, so everybody learns how to travel better and smarter. A few tips to get you rolling:

JOIN one or more of our 300+ discussion groups, covering most destinations, travel topics, and travel-related professions such as media, publicists, agents, and tour operators. What are you into? Chances are we cover it. If we don’t, create your own group!

PROMOTE YOURSELF and/or your company by sharing your story, links, photos, videos, anything at all on the Text Box on your profile page! IF YOU'RE TRAVEL-AFFILIATED, DON'T FORGET TO MENTION YOUR COMPANY NAME!

INVITE your friends, family, colleagues, readers, anyone and everyone interested in travel! More members means a more productive, useful, and fun experience for everyone.

• Follow Tripatini on TWITTER and FACEBOOK, and we’ll be happy to reciprocate. And don’t forget to tweet and post about Tripatini, too!

Thanks again for joining us. C U online!

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