The Everest Gokyo Cho La Pass Trek provides the adventure and amateurs trekkers to feel the experience of receiving beautiful presents from the Himalayas in abundance. This is a strenuous trek ascending to the tranquility of Gokyo Valley,  cascading magnificence of  Dudh Koshi River , the largest glacier of Nepal Ngojumba Glacier, the famous Cho La pass (5330m),  the  soaring views  of Gokyo Ri and Kala Patthar (5545m ) where a marvelous panorama awaits , and reach finally ultimate destination – the Everest Base camp. Obviously the trek further traverses through the landmarks of Everest region in the company of the colossal mountains, charming monasteries and prayer flags, Namche bazaar – the pulsating trade center and the Sagarmatha national park, set amidst a vibrant landscape.

Adventurous trekkers yearn for the thrill of experience the splendid view of Gokyo valley. Gokyo, a valley with intense blue lakes beneath the Himalayas, has its own intrigue among explorers. Considered sacred by Hindus and Buddhists, the Gokyo lakes hold religious significance. The entire valley is favored with astounding natural beauty. Apart from the tranquility and glistening glacial lakes, a circular panoramic view of the supreme massifs above 8,000 meters are revealed at the Gokyo peak.

Everest Hiking and Chola Pass Trekking is continuously rewarded with dramatic Himalayan scenes, including four of the world's eight highest peaks: Cho Oyu (8201m), Makalu (8463m), Lhotse (8516 m) and Everest (8850m). Breathtaking mountain vistas are complemented by exploring cultural vibrant of Sherpa ethnic group residing in Namche Bazar, homes and monasteries, traditions, lifestyle, wildlife museums. A refreshing sheer feeling through the lush alpine forests, glacial rivers and waterfalls, stony trails, mountains, and Buddhist monasteries assists in acclimatization in the scale of Gokyo Ri and Kala Patthar and heading to the Everest Base Camp.

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