The Giant Stone Buddha at Leshan Mountain

Leshan Giant Buddha, also called Lingyun Giant Buddha, is located in Sichuan Province, Leshan City, South River east coast Lingyun temple side, the brink of Dadu, Qingyi River and Minjiang Sanjiang confluence of office. Buddha seated Maitreya, 71 meters high, is the largest Chinese statue carved stone statues.

Leshan Giant Buddha head with the mountain, foot step River, hands ask knee, the big Buddha body symmetry, potential silence of God, the mountains cutting into Linjiang sit. Buddha 71 meters high, the first 14.7 meters high, the first 10 meters wide, Faji 1021, seven meters long ears, nose 5.6 meters long, 5.6 meters long eyebrows, mouth and eyes 3.3 meters long, 3 meters high neck, shoulder width 24 meters, 8.3 meters long fingers, from the knee to the instep 28 meters, 8.5 meters wide instep, Jiaomian be around more than 100.

In the big Buddha on the left on both sides along the cliffs, and two statues of height more than 16 meters of Dharma King Stone, Buddha and together to form a pattern of a Buddha and two kings. And the king and the coexistence of hundreds of thousands of niches statue of stone statues, like gathering huge group of Buddhist stone art. Buddha left, along the "cave" it is the beginning of modern cut Lingyun plank road, a total length of nearly 500 meters.

Author Yasurs

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