Competent and Comprehensive Centralized Hotel Operations

In the competitive and competent world of today, when lifestyles, hospitality structures and the expectations of savvy global clients have evolved to such a high degree and acquired sophistication and “great expectations”, centralized hotel operations, ensuring maximum success, are the order of the day!

The latest hotel inspection software as well as related complex software system and procedure monitoring centralized hotel operations, is all set to cope with the plethora of inter-connected and inter-dependent services necessary for the optimum utilization of such a device.

The KNOW SERVICE module, as it is succinctly known, automates the handling of guest requests, complaints and maintenance jobs, thus ensuring high quality service and staff productivity, leading to optimum guest satisfaction and fulfilment of multi-faceted guest requirements!

Encapsulating a vast area of vital services pertaining towards efficient centralizied hotel operations and controlling and directing various activities and services simultaneously to enhance usefulness and job productivity, the area it encapsulates includes Call Registration, Staff Selection and Job Allocation, Job order Dispatch, Job Execution, Job Update, Guest Audit and so on and so forth, to monitor, direct and employ suitable staff for different duties with greatest expediency!

With such efficient hotel inspection software, which allows managers and others in positions of high responsibility and commitment to keep their hand firmly on the pulse of things, including VIP guest movement, guest complaints etc, it ensures that various situations are dealt with swiftly, without allowing crucial situations to escalate to unmanageable levels and get out of hand, leading to unpleasant ramifications.

This unique checking and controlling device, in which KNOW SERVICE allows its discerning users to receive automatic alerts and jobs quintessentially based on certain custom-defined events, guest movements and service requests, is a valuable asset in management and control in a humungous hotel where a plethora of complicated activities have to be managed skilfully.

Interestingly this procedure or device also uses various Property Management System (PMS) events such as check-in/check-out, room move and so on, to trigger alerts and subsequent job actions.  For example, it can send a series of customized alerts based on a combination of vital and inter-connected parameters related to a job such as job parking, escalation, re-opening etc, to necessitate the next level of a follow-up action. In case there is a "do not disturb" DND note on the room—the staff member can “park’” the job for a user-defined period of time, deferring action and the supervisor reassign the activation of the job from step 2 onwards and extend the time from their smartphone.

Thus the various complicated permutations/combinations involving the smooth running of a vast and complex system such as centralized hotel operations, with maximum efficiency and optimization of manpower, guest satisfaction and high rates of success, need in-depth understanding, efficient management and competent skills.

The author has extensively written about the evolving trends of hospitality in India. She has valuable insights about Hotel Inspection Software and Centralized Hotel Operations. Her articles and features are a source of information for hoteliers.

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