Jim Gullo
  • Male
  • Mcminnville, OR
  • United States
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Are you connected to the tourism/travel/hospitality industries or travel media in any way? If so, please specify how (kindly include any relevant company names/Web sites!).
I've been a professional travel writer for about 26 years, with extensive publications in magazines that include Diversion, Islands, Aqua, Alaska Airlines Magazine, Town & Country, Saveur, Bon Appetit, Sports Illustrated, among many others. Some of my articles can be found on my website, www.jimgullo.com.
On which destinations & travel topics can you advise members especially well?
Pacific Northwest, Hawaii, Cruises, Baking & Bakeries, Oregon wine and wine country
What destinations are you most interested in learning about?
Paris, other parts of France, eastern Europe
Other travel / language expertise?
French, Spanish


I'm also the author of numerous books that might be of interest to Tripatini readers.

TRADING MANNY: HOW A FATHER & SON LEARNED TO LOVE BASEBALL AGAIN (DaCapo Press, 2012) is a funny memoir about teaching baseball to my son Joe while trying to answer his very-difficult seven-year old questions about why professional ballplayers needed to take steroids. It also contains the only published (and thus authentic) version of the story of how I once nearly killed Paul Simon's son with a softball while visiting Senator Al Franken (it's kind of a long story).

FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH: A NOVEL (Yam Hill Publishing; 2010) is my comic novel about coming to terms with grief and loss, while imagining how much fun it might be to lock oneself into the cabin of a cruise ship and gain 400 pounds. (Again, kind of a long story, but one I felt needed telling.)

TRY THIS FOR BETTER SEX, AND OTHER STORIES FROM THE HOW-TO GURU (Yam Hill Publishing, 2012) is a collection of my funny essays for Premiere Magazine in the 1990s, where I reviewed how-to videos as the "How-To Guru." 

I've written several other books, too -- guidebooks to Seattle & Portland, books on Hillary Clinton and the antebellum South for middle-school readers, and the autobiography of Charlie Sifford, the first African-American golfer.

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Jim Gullo's Blog

Oregon Wine Country's Allison Inn & Spa

I'm sitting in the alcove of the bar that is attached to one of the fanciest and best-regarded restaurants in town, watching the champagne cork on the floor, and thinking pungent thoughts about service. To wit, what constitutes good service? Should we always expect it in a place that claims to have it on every press release and web page? Should we be embarrassed to notice and…


Posted on June 11, 2016 at 11:04am

A Streetcar, a Supper Club and a Seastar Menu = Seattle IS Europe

Call it some kind of fierce, intuitive desire to protect the Olde Continente (e's added here for effecte), aka Die Mutterlande, but I've often experienced a fierce fight-or-flight response when faced with the old travel-writing truism that "Seattle is America's most European city."

Fight generally wins, and I go immediately to sarcastic, Socratic responses.

(Why, because of the medieval walls, pocked and battered by time and war, surrounding the Pike Place…


Posted on February 13, 2013 at 9:30am — 3 Comments

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At 3:47pm on February 11, 2013, Tripatini said…

Jim, welcome to Tripatini, the Web's smartest travel/food community and blog! On Tripatini, you can mingle with travelers and top travel experts alike, so everybody learns how to travel better and smarter. A few tips to get you rolling:

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At 6:42pm on February 10, 2013, Ed Wetschler said…

Jim Gullo -- I know this name. Maybe James Gullo? No, that's not it....


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