Julio Cesar
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  • Lima
  • Peru
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  • PromPerú
  • Tripatini
  • David Paul Appell
  • EnLinea Media

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Profile Information

Are you connected to the tourism/travel/hospitality industries or travel media in any way? If so, please specify how (kindly include any relevant company names/Web sites!).
Founder of the Karikuy Organization, helping travelers visit Peru. We also run a volunteer program and help budget travelers explore the country. In short if you plan on visiting Peru contact us, we'll get you all the information you need.

On which destinations & travel topics can you advise members especially well?
What destinations are you most interested in learning about?
Other travel / language expertise?
Guide, Volunteer Manager, Tour leader

Julio Cesar's Pix


Julio Cesar's Blog

Win a Free trip to Machu Picchu, 2011 Karikuy Giveaway

We are proud to announce that our annual Machu Picchu contest has launched. The new format makes it very easy for anyone to participate as the contest is exclusive to Facebook and Twitter. Besides giving away a free Jungle Inca Trail tour, we have also thrown in the Peru Lonely Planet guide for six runners up. To read more about the contest and enter you can visit www.karikuy.org/contest…


Posted on March 30, 2011 at 4:18pm

Top 10 Reasons to Volunteer in Peru

Volunteering your time to an organization and dedicating some of your time to a cause is one of the most noble and meaningful things a person can do. Whether assisting the poor, taking care of abandoned children or helping communities grow, the simple and generous act of participation is a rewarding experience to both the volunteer and the people they help.

Being that our own volunteer program is only months away we thought it a good idea to highlight why volunteering in…


Posted on March 23, 2010 at 10:30am — 2 Comments

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At 11:13am on March 25, 2010, David Paul Appell said…
Buenísima información, Julio, gracias -- te aviso si se necesita más o si/cuando algo va a salir en el sitio mencionado. D.
At 10:00am on March 23, 2010, EnLinea Media said…
Muy buenos días, Julio César, y bienvenido a Tripatini! It's great to have you with us -- and we think you'll find our site productive as well as interesting and enjoyable.

To get the most out of Tripatini, we recommend you take a moment to join several other of our many groups which you may find of particular use, such as Peru; Budget Travel; Eco/Sustainable Tourism; Volunteer Vacations; Eating/Drinking the World; our Spanish Language/Hispanic Cultures Club; and plenty of others covering many other topics and most destinations across the globe.

FYI, on your profile you'll see a green bar marked "Text Box," which you can turn into a box containing not just text but also photos and even videos about yourself, your travels, Peru, Karikuy, other work/activities, and more.

Finally, if you would, please be so kind as to spread the word among your travel-interested friends, family, colleagues, associates, and clients/guests. It's fast and easy to use our "INVITE" function above left on the navigation bar to enter e-mails (even your whole list at once!). Finally, please join our Facebook fan page and follow us on Twitter (see front page info box); we'll be happy to reciprocate!

Thanks much for joining us; we wish you an outstanding rest of 2010, and it goes without saying that we look forward to seeing you online.




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