Ted Alan Stedman
  • Male
  • Denver, CO
  • United States
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  • Jim DeLillo
  • Media Kitty
  • Kenbol Ramos
  • Alistair Wearmouth
  • Meryl Pearlstein
  • Caitlin Murphy
  • Debra Bokur
  • David Paul Appell
  • EnLinea Media

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Profile Information

Are you connected to the tourism/travel/hospitality industries or travel media in any way? If so, please specify how (kindly include any relevant company names/Web sites!).
I've been a freelance writer and photographer going on 15 years. I started with trade magazines, did a stint as a snowsports journo with the now-defunct Rocky Mountain News, and migrated into adventure travel. My work's appeared in Outside, Nat'l. Geo. Adventure, Outdoor Photographer, Islands, Sport Diver, Sunset, Popular Mechanics, Endless Vacation, The Denver Post, the Cleveland Plain Dealer, Men's Fitness and quite a few others.
On which destinations & travel topics can you advise members especially well?
South Pacific, Central America, Western Europe, East Africa, Peru, the Western U.S.
What destinations are you most interested in learning about?
Any and all, depending
Other travel / language expertise?
Rugged, independent travel, backpacking, extreme environments

Ted Alan Stedman's Pix


Ted Alan Stedman's Blog

Trippin' in Thailand

Bangkok's chaos was nearly unequaled. It's rainy season now and the simple act of breathing is like trying to pull air through a wet wool blanket. But as I've made my way north, the climate has changed as well as the cultural temperment. In Pang Soong, I found a spiritually centered mountain village buried in the jungle at 4,000 feet. Cooler, calmer. We did the obligatory zip line here, Flight of the Gibbon. It funnels bhat into the local economy...a better proposition than opium, bush meat… Continue

Posted on October 23, 2009 at 7:11pm

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At 12:31pm on August 3, 2009, EnLinea Media said…
Good morning, Ted, and welcome to go-lo! It's wonderful to have a travel journalist of your background and experience with us -- and we think you'll find our site productive as well as interesting and enjoyable.

You may want to take a few minutes to join several of our many groups which you might find of particular interest, including "Travel Media Only," Colorado, Travel Photography, Adventure Travel, Bacpacking/Hosteling, Biking, Skiing/Boarding, Diving/Snorkeling, our Spanish Language/Culture Club, and various others devoted to destinations in Central America, the Pacific, Europe, Africa, South America, all the U.S. states, and more. You can also add a box to your profile providing additional info including photos and video.

Finally, if you would, please be so kind to spread the word among your travel-interested friends, family, and colleagues. We wish you a great rest of the summer, and look forward to hearing more from you!

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