Ok, Guys,

Here's my next trip coming up to New England

I have a wedding in Boston, then for 5 days want to take a road trip.

Since, this California guy only has been to Boston , Providence, R.I. and stayed at a friend’s Lake house on Lake Winnipesaukee in N.H. Very Cool By the way.

Yes, Martha's Vineyard and Cape Cod is the easy way out, so I'm going to try Maine. See if I see a Bush of two. No, just kidding.


It looks like we will go to Maine. Acadia Park looks amazing, and just the thought of Maine lobster,

well, need I say more. Lighthouses and Lobster sounds like a plan.  What would you do in New England  on a short five day road trip?  Prefering Maine over Cape Cod??

My colleague who is traveling with me is a absolute driving mad man. He wants to visit a little of Maine and if only a matter of hours, even try to make it to Montreal. Nothing is set in stone. It's a road trip.

Looking for a plan.

Acadia Park seems to be a must.  What would be your must sees even in short period.Will take in as much as is realistic.   

Maine looks amazing?

Yes, depart Boston on a Sunday and be back in Boston sometime on the next Friday.

A short road trip, who knows, if loving it, we may extend, but 5-6 days only for now.


thanx for your expertise. I have been to over 80 countries, have scuba dived with sharks in the

Barrief Reef, and a whole lot more. Maine will be a new place to see.


Thanx, Nick

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If you're a foodie (I noticed a lobster reference there), spend some time in Portland, which, despite its size, is one of the best food towns in the United States. If you want more detailed suggestions, I'll add a few. I also like the brews there, the museum, the beaches of Cape Elizabeth, and, of course, that lighthouse -- the one that everyone painted 1,000 times, and for good reason.




Hi Ed,

A native San Franciscan who has been to over 80 countries, born in Greece, a foodie. Yes, Lobster and more lobster. Where I spend part of my year in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, let's just say on the Lobster subject, my one appearance in Boston at the Bark n Crab, I was floored by the size of the lobster. Yum Yum,  I am sure that

a six day road trip will involve consumption of the local critters

Thanx, Nick

Maine has a lot of diversity. Not sure what your interests are, and when you are coming.  That could make a huge difference to me - I hate crowds and traffic, so I stay away from Acadia until after Labor Day. I live in Portland, (which itself is worth walking for a few days)and you could hang here for the whole week and see something different every day: Peaceful Crescent Beach in Cape Elizabeth one day, wild and French-Canadian Old Orchard Beach the next. Then a ferry ride to one of the Casco Bay Islands, and maybe a bike ride to visit the lighthouses around Portland on Route 77. A trip to LL Bean in Freeport will let you check out the factory outlet store, where the real bargains are, and I would have lunch in Freeport at Harraseeket Lunch on the dock. A ride to see Kennebunkport, Ogunquit or York Beach, and gee, the week is over, and you haven't driven far north at all! Could save you some gas money!

On the other hand, Quebec City is only 5 hours from Portland, and Camden/Rockland are less than 3 hours away. If you want to drive, go for it!

Hi Andrew,

Sounds like your my fellow Greek Brotha! Tekanis! This is great info. I am sure from Monday to the following Sunday. This will be a great week. I am soaking in the expertise and knowledge of you and others from this forum, and from my World Travel List. Efharisto, Thanx man !


Have a Jewish / Catholic wedding in Boston on the 9th Sept. ?? Saturday? on the Monday, i believe the 11th , "ROAD TRIP."  Reminds me, I need to rent a Tux in Boston.





Head up the coast above Boothbay and check out all the harbors. Honestly, Acadia is nice but it is a madhouse , so I'd do the lesser-known part of the park, Schoodic Point. Sorento, Corea, Roque's Bluff and Quoddy Head State Park are incredibly beautiful. Lubec is a very cool town (the easternmost point in the country) as is Eastport. The tides here are in excess of 25 feet. Bring your camera and a jacket--those breezes that come off the ocean are "wicked" (a commonly used Maine term) cold.


I've lived in Maine almost all of my life and there's no place like it.

Linda, Thank you for you replying. I am soaking this all in. This is great. Since , I have lived my life of travel , pretty much just winging it. I am excited to get some sound advise and then just drive. Get to know that it can get cold , even in September. My only time in New England, four years ago in Boston, Winnepassakie? gorgeous!!! and Providence. I loved it!  Now , I have chosen Maine over Martha's Vineyard, Cape Cod. I know that it will be a fast six days. Will just see if one place ends up being more than a one night stay. Sept 11-16-17 or so. Since, I work off of a computer I am blessed so far to be free. I work while I play. So, it's six days, unless I change my flight back to Cali.

Yes, will bring a jacket.


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