I'm a travel agent in the US with a client I'm finding it difficult to help from this side of the pond. She has very specific rail/flight needs that are probably better worked out on that continent:


May 17: traveling from Caersws, Wales to Glastonbury, England
June 11: traveling from Glastonbury to London, flying to Trondheim, Norway.
July 3: traveling from Trondheim Norway to Soderhamn in Sweden
July 24: traveling from Soderhamn to the Hague, Netherlands
(I'm taking a train the Hague to Brussels and then to Paris, but the times aren't worked out yet)
August 8: traveling from Paris to Geneva
August 11: traveling from Geneva to Innsbruck, Austria (might be a day earlier; I'll know after this weekend)
August 15: traveling from Innsbruck to Mainleus, Germany
Sept 1: traveling from Germany to Dublin
Sept 23: traveling from Dublin to Selfoss, Iceland


Email me at julie (at) curingcoldfeet.com if you can help her, and I'll put you two in touch.


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dEar Julie,


In the future, if you have any questions about Poland, I would be happy to answer and asssist as a former tour operator.




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