Suggestions on what to do in Semarang, Java, Indonesia?

Hi! Going on a weekend trip to Semarang...any suggestions or ideas on what to do?

I want to experience FOOD, CULTURE and ARCHITECTURE

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Hi Chems,
I'm Gisele form Indonesia live in Jakarta. If you'd like to know about Semarang I can give all information as you request to you (by email). If I should write here, it would be very long written, just let me know if you agree :)


That sounds really great! You can send me the info in

Plus if you are going to travel in Cirebon, I would be happy to share with you the sites here!


Hi, if you wanna go to Semarang you can try traditional food named "Wingko Babat" made from coconut, it's a cake and has a special smell, you can try "Bandeng Prest Juwana" the most popular food in semarang. For tourist attraction or interesting place, you can go to:

-Lawang Sewu, unique architecture, popular and spooky

-Pagoda Buddhagaya Watugong

-Klenteng Sam Poo Kong (Temple)

- Klenteng Tay Kak Sie

-Gereja Blenduk (Church)

-Candi Gedong Songo (temple)

-Candi Tugu (temple)

-Air Terjun Kali Pancur (Waterafall)

-Curug Benowo (waterfall)

-MURI Museum (Indonesian record museum)

-Museum Jamu Nyonya Meneer (traditional medicine museum)

-Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah (Mosque)

-Pantai Maron (beach)

_Pantai Tirang (beach)

_Pantai Marina (beach)

Hopefully it will help you to visit Semarang :) if you need flight or hotel to (in) Semarang please visit 

Happy Holiday!


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