Queen Charlotte Track, New Zealand: need an outfitter?

Is is necessary to use an outfitter to do  the Queen Charlotte Track?  We want to do some walking and some kayaking, and stay at hotels along the way. 

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Marilyn, I have clients leaving next week for New Zealand and they'll be doing the Milford Track (5 days). You can definitely do an unguided independent walk (4-5 days) on the Queen Charlotte Track, but still pre-arrange all of your transportation, lodging, meals and luggage transfers between lodges.
Marilyn, a Tripatini member from New Zealand emailed me instead of answering here. She recommends that you visit www.qctrack.co.nz and www.queencharlottetracknz.com, but I have a feeling you did that a week ago.
what time of the yearf will you be doing it? How long have you got?
Feel free to email me: kip@wordofmouthnz.com


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