Relocating to Portland, OR -- need insight on city, neighborhoods, jobs...

I am looking to relocate to Portland,OR but I don't know that much about the city. I am looking for any insight on the city itself, neighborhoods, job opportunities, etc.

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Sally, this does not answer your question, but you'll love it:

Hi Sally,

What type of job are you seeking? Also, for a quick overview of Portland, please view my article on Portland written for Tripatini under Magazines on my website at and my book, "Portland, Oregon: A Photographic Portland", also featured by Tripatini is available online and in the Portland bookstores and Made in Oregon. Let me know if I can answer some specific questions. I have lived here the majority of my life.

Portland is such a great city! Lots of "neighborhood feel" - choose from "earth hippie" (Southeast PDX) to "golden yuppies." (Northwest PDX) I'd avoid Beaverton. The jobs and areas depend on your preferences and talents. Need to know more about you to make specific recommendations, but to be in Oregon is to love life-period!

Life style is important when considering which neighborhoods in Portland and the Metro region (there are altogether 23 cities and lots of unincorporated county neighborhoods) one might choose to live.  Proximity to work and to the public transportation can be important as well.  We have often hosted guests who use our bed and breakfast (the Enchanted Garden Suite) as a base for checking out the city and work opportunities.  We can be found on the web at .   I have lived in Oregon all but three years of my life and my life partner has lived here all but the first sixteen years of her life (she grew up in Europe).  I spent seven years working as the Economic Development Director for one of Oregon's 36 counties spending 20% of my time in the Travel/Lodging industry.  I have some contacts in this industry that might help with a job search.  We would love to assist you with your search.  Dave


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