"The Air Transport Association of America (ATA) has called on members of the US Congress to reject President Obama's plan to impose $3.5 billion annually in new taxes on airlines and their passengers to pay off the country's budget deficit." -ETN


Is President Obama the bad guy here?

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He sure is. http://snipr.com/zrqoo

First he assures us that only those making more than $200,000 would be faced with new taxes, then he comes up with this.

Second, the money is partially going to an agency that needs downsizing and control.

Third, more than 60 percent of the revenues will go into the general fund — since when have we singled out air travelers for special donations to the general fund.

Fourth, his taxing actions are job killers for everyone but TSA folk.

Then permit an out-of-the-loop Canadian to ask you Yankees, why he is doing this?

What does 3.5B work out to per flight/per person ? If you keep cutting taxes for people who fly in corporate jets, which are written off in the company books and sold off on profit, someone is going to have to pay :) 


I am more concerned by airlines not disclosing what exactly those taxes and fees are ? The argument most airline execs. give for fare hikes are increased landing fees, 9/11 fees, fuel surcharge, Airport taxes, etc. then how come: JFK-MEX is more expensive than LGA-ATL-MEX or JFK-MIA-MEX or JFK-DTW-MEX or any one-stop schedule, where the landing fees, airport fees, fuel consumer is more ?


Oh Well !!! :(


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