As a student astrologer (got CTA, working sloo-oowly towards Dip), I am still slightly puzzled by the frequent incidences of 'syncronicity'.
For me, it usually happens in two's - sometimes three's or more.
What I'm saying, is... I may see or hear something, and then that same day encounter it again. For example the other day I was reading about narcissistic behaviour when 'Narcissus' was played on the radio. I told my son who was in his room listening to his MP3 player - on random - and the track that was playing was from an album - Narcissus Road.
Sometimes there's just a spate of similar occurrences. We watched, on Antiques Roadshow, a lady describe how her mother had been in her bedroom when a bullet narrowly missed her. Earlier that day my husband spotted, in the street, a necklace made in the shape of a small silver bullet. He didn't pick it up, but the lady behind him did. He *missed* the bullet.
Is there an astrological reason for this? Or is the Universe just playing with my brain?