

Vamos a la playa! The best beaches you've ever been to, from hopping to hideaway.

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Comment by Darryl Musick on September 15, 2014 at 11:26am

It's been 20 hours since we left home at The World on Wheels. Please tell us you have our room ready for us. Today, it's an all-new adventure in Jamaica and the misadventures of dealing with hotel management.

Comment by Darryl Musick on September 14, 2014 at 11:28am

We're starting off our Season of the Caribbean at The World on Wheels today with a new Cocktail Hour. What can we create with the contents of our minibar? It's the Runaway.

Comment by Darryl Musick on March 28, 2014 at 2:31pm

Ever have one of those experiences where you go to a neighborhood you've been to hundreds of times before and then find something completely new that you never knew existed? At The World on Wheels, that happened to us the last time we went to Newport Beach. Check it out with this brand new report and video...Hidden Treasures by the Bay.

Comment by Darryl Musick on August 2, 2013 at 10:53am

We were married but six short years and our son was but a wee lad of 5. Enter the Wayback Machine and come back 21 years to Puerto Vallarta with us with our Found Footage: Puerto Vallarta 1992 video, now at The World on Wheels and embedded in our Puerto Vallarta report.

Comment by Darryl Musick on June 30, 2013 at 10:56am

112 degrees at home yesterday, what to do? If you're The World on Wheels, you head to the cooler climes of the beach and make a new Cocktail Hour video. Here's our brand new Seal Beach Mini Pub Crawl, filmed on location of course!

Comment by Darryl Musick on June 7, 2013 at 11:04am

This week is a different kind of beach here at The World on Wheels but just as popular as the beaches at our recent destination of St. Croix. Today, it's Monterey, Carmel, and Pacific Grove on California's Central Coast.

Comment by Darryl Musick on May 31, 2013 at 10:31am

We end our Spring salute to all destinations Atlantic with the finale of our St. Croix series at The World on Wheels. Today, it's all about the best part of this great island...the people...and a barely audible evacuation order at the airport. St. Croix, the Finale

Comment by Darryl Musick on May 20, 2013 at 10:47am

We're entering the home stretch of our time in St. Croix at The World on Wheels. Come along today and meet the owner of the Buccaneer Hotel, Elizabeth Armstrong, as she gives us an historical tour of the grounds. St. Croix - The Grand Tour

Comment by Darryl Musick on May 17, 2013 at 10:46am

The World on Wheels continues to explore St. Croix. On today's new report, it's an encounter beer drinkers making big pigs out of themselves, see where Columbus landed, and end the day with dancing giants -with all new pics and video, too. "You Beer Swilling Pig!"...and Other Island Stories

Comment by Darryl Musick on May 13, 2013 at 11:25am

Udall Point...this little rocky outcropping at the extreme eastern end of St. Croix is where the sun's rays first hit the United States each day. There's even a large, new-ageish monument to this effect there. We start today's brand-new report at The World on Wheels there before heading off for drinks and posing with the Captain and then hitting the warm waters of the Caribbean...Far Flung Points, Posers, and All the Beaches Inbetween.




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