I think it was great to see so many responses to the question about how to handle credit cards and reservations.  I am wondering if this group can do more of that? If so, this could be a useful tool for owners.  If this site is too public maybe there is an alternative.


One possiable topic worth throwing out ---- does anyone use AIR BNB? There is one interesting aspect and that is they allow the owners to make reviews about the guests as well as the standard guests about owners.   It sure is nice to know your arriving guest comes well recommended. Are there other sites doing likewise?



Views: 369

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I didn't receive the first questions Graham...what was it..



Another member asked about when to charge guests with credit card reservations and some 8 people gave him excellent (and some a bit different) suggestions.  I was just noticing that the group seems to be pretty quiet and maybe this could be a forum for B&B's to help each other. I know the learning curve for our business has been long.

what is AIR BNB
I'm not their spokesperson so II'll just give you the site www.airbnb,com. But as I mentioned both guests and hosts are asked for reviews. That's a change! 
A friend of mine has used Air, and it is ok, though it seems to be in the 'budget' section, just one notch up from couch surfing. This is only one opinion of course. If you would like to know your guest before they arrive, ask them to use a 'non-free' email like .edu , or a company and than google the e-mail address or the name..

we use airbnb - they are good and the customers have always been very polite and to says it budget is not really fair as there is such a vast range of places and prices to stay.

my gripes with them are they have a problem with there map system for about the last 6 months which they have still failed to sort out which means we don't get many customers from them anymore

also there system only allows you to charge per person wich makes it complicated for a b and b which charges by room

None that I know of. -- Bescover.com

We use them and also have recommended them to people travelling - they are fabulous - the reviews of the customers are really just a safegaurd - no b & b is going to write anything negative about a guest if they don't need to


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