One of EcoTraining’s most popular courses is the professional field guide course.

Candice Wagener McGuire finished her yearlong course a couple of months back. She reflects on why she guides and why booking a place on this course won’t be a mistake…

“I guide because I like sharing my passion with those around me, I love seeing how the bush inspires every single being. My day is made when I see how people brighten up when they spend their holiday in the bush, how the smallest things put a smile on their faces. When I guide, I feel like I’m making a small difference to keep Africa alive in everyone’s hearts.”


And there is still space on the next one starting in July. Send an email to to book your place.


For one year you will be exposed to diverse ecological and geological terrains, landscapes, wildlife species and so much more at our wilderness camps in places like Makuleke, Karongwe, Selati (South Africa) and Mashatu (Botswana). A constantly stimulating environment to learn in is aided by our instructors, all having many years of guide training experience and time in the bush, and each with their own unique way of training and guiding that will enhance your overall training experience.

This comprehensive and unique ONE YEAR course has been designed to supply the safari industry with high calibre FGASA and THETA qualified professional field guides.

This course is however not only available to people wishing to enter the industry as field guides, but for anyone who wants to increase their knowledge of the African bush. 

Comprising this ONE YEAR course is approximately 6 months of theoretical and practical training with our highly qualified instructors in which you will complete various separate certificate courses.

This should get you well prepared for the lodge placement period with guests which make up the second half of your course. We will place you at these lodges so that you can work with experienced guides and managers to learn with and from them. At the end of the year you will therefore not only be qualified, but will also have gained practical experience in the lodge industry

There is no better recommendation than from an ex student. Here’s Nick Baker about his yearlong adventure:

“I would recommend it to anyone prepared to leave behind the trappings of civilisation and immerse themselves in the ecology of Africa... The experience is total and is built of a complicated set of components, animals, birds, trees, plants, insects, soil, water, weather, stars. Sights, sounds, smells, magic… The bush does funny things to your head. It has got inside mine, so I am going back…”


Go to or send an email to to book your place on the One Year Professional Field Guide Course. You won’t regret it!

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