
I'll be in NYC from May 31st - June 4th and am looking for Media accommodations, some hot and trendy restaurants and bars to review. I'll be on a FAM trip to Israel in June and decided to extend the trip and

include a stay in NYC beforehand. If you can accommodate my request, that would be great.



Sandi Margolis

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Have a great time in Israel, Sandi, and let us know what you think of the hot, fun spots! I hope you get some good hotel replies from your post. I wish I could be in New York City then to meet you, but I won't be back yet to my home in Tribeca, a pretty great place!

Hi Carla Marie,  Nice to hear from you.  I'm originally from NYC so I know the city really well. I used to hang out in Tribeca and Soho all the time but I lived in Murray Hill. Too bad you won't be in town. It would have been nice to meet. Hopefully, next time and thanks for reaching out! 


Hi Sandi, Isn't this a great place to write to each other?! I am actually in Jinzhou, China, right now and saw your reply. I am attending a World Landscape and Art Expo with my sister-in-law Nina Rupp from Arvada (Denver), Colorado, who is on a business and family-visiting trip. It's really interesting, then we go to Beijing again for a few days...Where do you live? I hope we can meet another time. Talk soon.


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