I've been in Costa Rica these past six days while Hurricane Tomas floods roads, causes mudslides, and has killed at least two dozen people (that's not counting the people who are missing) in the Central Valley area. Eating and sleeping very well at wonderful ecolodges like Finca Rosa Blanca, but can you enjoy anything when there's so much misery just ten miles away? 

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I just drove from San Juan Del Sur,Nicaragua yesterday on a trip to Manuel Antonio,CR..We got as far as "Parrita" where the road was washed out just before Quepos.We turned around and drove back to Jaco and spent the night.There was a lot rain this morning,so we turned around and came back home to "Casa Del Soul" in San Juan Del Sur,Nicaragua..So to anyone who plans to go to Quepos & Manuel Antonio it might be 1 or 2 days before the road opens..Thanks,Randy
Now I'm stranded in Puerto Jimenez; roads are washed out. I've got it good: money for a hotel and meals, even internet service. Back in San Jose, at least 30 people are dead, and God knows how many are homeless. There may be casualties where we are, too, what with all the low-lying land being flooded; there just aren't any newscasters to report it. If you know anything, please post it here.
From where I sit in the Los Angeles area Haiti is dominating the hurricane news. Randy, how is Nicaragua faring? Is your hotel okay?
Everything is good here in Nicaragua..I guess the rain really came down hard up by San Jose,Costa Rica which is 6-7 hours from here..We were driving to Manuel Antonio which is on the coast..and all the water came down from the mountains where it was raining to the coast..It wasn't a bad drive for us but we just couldn't go any farther when we got close to Quepos..So we turned around..The hurricane was way North by Haiti but it had a big "reach" down to Costa Rica..
Big "reach" is right. Glad you and Nicaragua are okay.
Hi Ed,
I am glad you made it to Puerto Jimenez and for sure you will make it to Lapa Rios tomorrow. Looks like things are calming down. All of our hotels (www.cayugaonline.com) are fine, but the problem is the infrastructure. Many bridges are down and access to several areas is very difficult. Should be restored by next week. No more landslides now. Compared to Haiti, we are still in very good shape. Let me know how it is going at Lapa Rios. Saludos,
Good to hear from you, Hans. I'm glad to hear that all your hotels are fine; judging by the sturdy and smart construction at Finca Rosa Blanca, I figure you'd need a direct hit to do any damage to these buildings. But just as you say, it's the bridges and roads that are still difficult. I'm at Arenas de Osa in Puerto Jimenez, where the sheets and floor are clean, the bed is firm, and the shower is approximately the size of my pie de terre in Greenwich Village. I hope you're not exhausted in the wake of the conference. I must tell you, it was inspiring.
Good morning Ed,
the sun is out again. Time to go to Lapa Rios. Let me know what you think of this rainforest experience. All ok at the other hotels, still struggling with road access, but the authorities are moving in and fixing roads, building temporary bridges, etc. In a few days we should be operational again. Glad you liked the conference. Saludos,
And I see blues skies. I am on my way.!


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