Hotel guests have said it again and again: after location, and service that exceeds  expectations, free and reliable WiFi matters the most.

So why do hotels charge for WiFi and why do guests have to struggle find a location that works?

Hotelchatter  says that while most hotels provide free Wi Fi, (according to their 1013 Hotel WiFi report , more than two-thirds of hotels say they provide the free service), "availability can be limited to the lobby, or its only free for a while before you have to pay, or you get minimal bandwidth"...

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Well thats real funny. My hotel is located on a carribean island of a so called third world country, Panama and we have free internet throughout the hotel and even under the bohio overlooking the carribean ocean. It should be always free. You cannot always win and try to make a buck of every little thing. Thats the airlines job, hotels should not be like that. Remeber we are a service industry.


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