

Madonn', the whole darn country's a mindblowing museum, foodie paradise, and more. Rome, Venice, Florence, Sicily, Pisa, Naples -- so many of the most iconic destinations in travel. If you haven't been here, you must remedy that immediately.

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Latest Activity: Nov 20, 2021

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Comment by David Lawrence on September 30, 2010 at 9:41am
Italy's tourism minister wants to sue Apple because a new app called "What Country" calls Italy the land of "Pizza, Mafia, Pasta and Scooters," which she finds insulting.
Have you seen this tourism minister? Her name is Michela Victoria, and I don't think she's doing much herself to give Italy a dignified image, but that's okay. I'm not real political, but she's the perfect Berlusconi appointee.ItalianTourismMinister.webarchive
Comment by Select Italy on September 21, 2010 at 5:31pm
Hey Max,
The troupe were based at Sextantio Albergo Diffuso and part of the movie has been shot in this fantastic new concept of scattered hotel.
Comment by Max Pesling on September 19, 2010 at 9:02am
"The American" is the latest Hollywood movie set in Italy. Just saw it last night with a couple of friends, and I loved the picturesque scenery and cinematography in the Abruzzo (misty panoramas, as well as the twisty lanes and passageways of the mountain town of Castel del Monte which came across incredibly atmospheric, especially at night). Too bad the story itself is formulaic and turgid -- the pacing so glacial as to put me half to sleep. A paid assassin who develops a conscience, a hooker with a heart of gold (and suspiciously excellent English for a small-town prostie) -- I mean, please. It reminded me how much better I likes another flick I saw a couple of years ago -- also about killers for hire and with an atmospheric Euro local, "In Bruges." And what's with that craggy, nosy old priest? I remember thinking when he first showed up and started badgering the George Clooney character -- "Jeez, isn't this dude a little long in the tooth for him?" (Oh, c'mon, don't roll yer eyes -- I've known Italian priests personally!)

Comment by Ed Wetschler on August 31, 2010 at 2:44pm
Like sports statistics geeks, runs the numbers on eight different factors to come up with an annual ranking of the best countries for retirees. This year, Italy made the top five. (The U.S.? #15. The U.K.? #22.)

Here are the top ten, with numerical scores on a scale of 100:

Ecuador - 81
Panama - 80
Mexico - 79
France - 78
Italy - 78
Uruguay - 77
Malta - 76
Chile - 76
Spain - 75
Costa Rica - 75
Comment by Jools Stone on August 10, 2010 at 2:36pm
How about Barga in Tuscany? Lovely mountain village deep in the green hills near Lucca. Not sure where you are based, but from the Uk you can a cheap flight with ryanair to Pisa, then it's an hour or two by train I think.
Comment by EnLinea Media on August 10, 2010 at 2:32pm
Ciao, belli! A Tripatina could use a few tips on a romantic, budget trip to Italy... any volunteers?
Comment by Tripatini on August 9, 2010 at 9:04am
The tunnels beneath the Colosseum, where man and beast alike awaited their (usually) final appearance before the Roman public, will be opened to the public for the first time in decades this month.
Comment by Doreen Pendgracs on August 3, 2010 at 6:34pm
Hi everyone: I am new to this group.

Have never been to Italy, but am going to Tuscany, Umbria and Rome late next month to research my chocolate book. Will be looking for assistance in making arrangements. I hope to learn from you all.
Comment by Tony Tien Huynh on July 5, 2010 at 12:07am
Comment by Tripatini on June 28, 2010 at 3:37pm
Ciao, everyone! A fellow member is looking for information on Rimini. If anyone would like to help her, please respond NOT on this comment wall but rather at the following link.




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