Looking for media outlets interested in articles about sustainable tourism & community projects in Central America

Hi all,

Next month I'll be traveling with Green Living Project as they document sustainability-related projects in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Panama. GLP has already created multimedia documentaries about more than 40 sustainable projects - including eco-lodges, travel companies, conservation projects, and community-development initiatives - in Africa and South America. We'll be visiting 10 different projects in Central America between February 15 and March 5.

I am looking for print or online media outlets that would be interested in having me contribute articles or blog posts about the expedition or the projects we will be visiting. Please let me know if you might be interested or if you have any suggestions for media to contact. I'm attaching a .pdf fact sheet about GLP.


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Hi Annika,

A bit late maybe (only just saw your post), but we would certainly be interested in articles, especially where the projects cross over with adventure sports tourism. We have a new monthly magazine and news channel designed as a mouthpiece for sustainable adventures.

Look forward to hearing from you

Check out our website - we may have a space for some articles of that nature.


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