FDR Library in 'Parsing History, Politics & Personality at the USA's Presidential Libraries'

Sightseers at a setting near Boston enjoy a leisurely stroll through a magnificent 18th-century garden.  A man in Texas plays president as he reads a speech from a teleprompter.  Children in California take a pretend horseback ride with Ronald Reagan.

These disparate experiences have one thing in common.  They’re taking place at depositories of manuscripts, memorabilia and memories which keep alive the stories of U.S. presidents.

Today' s election in the United States increased interest in the office of the presidency, and anyone wishing to explore that topic is in luck.  Visitors to the country's 14 presidential libraries may read important documents, view artifacts and learn about both the public and private lives of men who have filled the highest elected office in the country.  They may relive the pomp and pageantry of the presidency and enjoy behind-the-scenes introductions to those who have been elected to the position as real people. 

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