Kilimanjaro Climbs | Click here to view photos of Mt. Kilimanjaro

We specialize in longer, higher probability Kilimanjaro expeditions.  At Black Mamba, we feel that your climbing success and enjoyment are greatly enhanced by taking one of Kilimanjaro's longer routes, such as the Machame or Lemosho route.  These routes are not quick hikes:  6 to 8 days on the mountain is a challenge, especially since these routes require camping the whole way up.  However, when you stand triumphantly at the summit, with the whole continent beneath your feet, you will feel a sense of accomplishment that nothing else can compare with.

Since our porters will carry your packs, food and tents, you are free to enjoy each vigorous day's climb with just a daypack filled with some water and a camera.  Most days on the mountain, we will arrive at camp at around lunchtime.  After a nice warm lunch, you are free to relax and enjoy the scenery, although our climbmaster may urge you to join him on an acclimitization hike to about 200 - 250 meters (600 - 800 feet) higher than camp.  Acclimatization will help you reach your goal--Uhuru peak, the highest point in Africa.

Whereas there are many approaches to summit massif, there are only 3 main routes to the Uhuru peak.  Kibo hut to Gillman's Point, Stella Point and the summit is the most highly trafficked route.  Therefore, we prefer to take either the Barafu route to Stella Point, or the Western Breach from Arrow Glacier Hut.

Lemosho Route - 8 Days
This route, favored by American expedition companies, is the most gradual climb up the mountain and therefore has, arguably, the highest chances of success.

Starting on the far Western edges of the Shira ridge, we climb up through the Lemosho rainforest, overnight and then cross over the ridge and onto the Shira plateau.  We spend two days crossing the plateau before reaching Lava Tower Hut.  From Lava Tower (4600m), we climb to Arrow Glacier Hut and then up through the great Western Breach.

We will spend the night in Kibo crater, wake up at dawn, have a hot breakfast, and then summit around 8 to 9am.

Machame Route - 7 Days
This popular route begins on the Southern ridge of the mountain, climbing through the rainforests to the Machame Hut.  We proceed up to Lava Tower Hut (4600m) before either crossing the Great Barranco Valley to Barafu Hut, or ascending to Arrow Glacier Hut and summitting via the Western Breach.

Extended Mweka Route - 8 to 9 Days
This difficult route gives you some of the most spectacular views of the mountain.  We will start at the Mweka gate, climbing up through the rainforest to Mweka Hut.  Following along the route to Barafu, we divert at "The Crossroads" into the Great Barranco.  This breathtaking valley includes unique vegetation not seen anywhere else on the mountain.

We proceed to Lava Tower Hut and then follow the Western Breach route into the crater and the summit.

Marangu Route - 7 Days
The fastest and most direct route up the mountain. This makes it a very popular route, and also the least expensive way to reach the summit.

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