Finding suitable resources to advise disabled clients about destinations, airport transfers etc has long been an issue for the travel industry and client alike. Research has clearly identified that a key reason why disabled people do not travel is the lack of knowledge on the part of travel professionals in respect to accessible travel and the barriers that are faced when trying to make reservations.

In an effort to address this issue I have written an EBook 'Barcelona, a Wheelchair Users Guide' (31 pages) which is a 'warts and all' insiders view of Barcelona.

Available via Apples iBookstore or Its priced just enough to cover costs (less than 4USD a copy) and is an invaluable resource for anyone in the travel industry advising clients who are wheelchair users on what to expect in Barcelona.

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Replies to This Discussion

Great book! Thank you for writing it.

It really helps to get the facts from someone with a special perspective. I hope you will continue to write more just like it. Please encourage others within your circle to do like wise. There are numerous tidbits of information that will help even those of us who may not be mobility impaired.


Just to let you know, I have just been certified as an accessible travel advocate by the Special Needs Group.

Having your perspective, from your book, will only make it more valuable to my clients.


Happy travels,


Mike MacKenna

Labdaddy's Leisure Travels


Thanks Mike

Glad you enjoyed the book:-) I'm presently working on a pocket size printed version which will be complete with photographs and with an extension covering a few aspects related to sight and hearing impaired visitors. Also near completion is a completely self contained 'do it yourself' tour with comprehensive text, photographs, and must know information for a hassle free tour, should be in the shops around January.




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