The Mirca Tour for Human Rights (MTHR) Evenings on Campus 19 th edition on the July 26 th to August the 12th 2011.
Image used for the poster is from Martin Bonnici Photography. Meaning for the image is: We are chained to our past it is our future that is fluid
The University of Malta will be hosting the International Mirca Arts Group Mirca Tour for Human Rights (MTHR) during theEvenings on Campus 19
th edition on the July 26
th to August the 12
th 2011.
The MTHR is a non-commercial show and isthe brainchild of one of the Mirca founders Swedish Artist Stefan Tunedal and was facilitated by Martin Bonnici in conjunction with the University of Malta.Included in this show are 70 members from 28 countries, each having given as a gift one piece to make upthis show, in unity and support of the 1948 declaration of Human Rights.
The Mirca Art Group is an international online arts group made up of over 500 artists. With 6 council members from 7countries, Stefan Tunedal from Sweden, Krisztina Asztalos from Hungary, Hego Goevert from Germany, Carla Goldberg from the USA, Bruce Rimell from the UK and Martin Bonnici representing 2 countries, Malta and Australia.
The exhibition will be opened by Judge Giovanni Bonello former judge of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.
For more information about the Mirca Arts Group visit
Evenings on Campus 19
th edition For further Information please contactMartin Bonnici