There are several trek route exist in Manali where Hampta Pass trek is one of them. The trek route goes from the Hampta Valley. That is the funnel-shaped valley surrounded by snow-capped peaks of Pir Panjal mountains, alpine meadows, etc. While trekking, you will also experience wildflowers, Deodar forests, Rhododendrons, and other flora of the area.

Other trekking routes at Manali are
Chandratal Trek
Beas Kund Trek
Bhrigu Lake Trek
Deo Tibba Base Campp Trek
Pin Parvati Pass Trek
Sar Pass Trek
& Many more.


Day 1: Arrival at Manali
In the morning, reach Manali after a night-long journey.
Check-in at the hotel. After having some breakfast take some rest.
The famous tourist spots of Manali are Hidimba Devi Temple, Vashisth Kund hot springs, Manu Temple, Van Vihar & many more.
Enjoy your evening at the Manali Market with shopping.
Dinner and Overnight stay at hotel Manali.

Day 2: Chika to Balu ka Ghera
Get-up early in the morning and be ready after having breakfast.
Reach Jobra to start the trekking towards Chika base camp. Follow by trekking to reach Balu ka Ghera campsite. The total time required is approx 8 hrs to reach Balu ka Ghera campsite.
During the route, you will pass through a lush green Deodar forest Rhododendrons and alpine meadows.
Enjoy your evening with trip mates at the bonfire and get familiar. After dinner, retire to your tent.

Day 3: Balu ka Ghera to Siagoru
Wake-up with the sun and experience majestic sunrise.
Start trekking towards Siagoru. The route will take you the Hampta Pass.
The trekking trail will be steep and then descend to Siagoru.
Enjoy the night stay at Campsite Siagoru.

Day 4: Siagoru to Chatru
On this day, you will experience the next level of thrill when you start the journey by descending towards Chatru through mountain ridges and slopes.
After 2-3 hours of trekking, Chandra River will be observed by you flowing alongside the road. Take night long rest at Chatru campsite.

Day 5: Chatru to Chandartal
The specialty of Chatru is that it is the confluence point of three passes, which are Rohtang, Hampta, and Spiti Pass.
Chandratal is 2-3 hrs drive away from the Chatru. Chandratal is again a marvelous lake of the Himalayas.
This lake spellbound its visitor by stunning views. Head back to Chatru for the night rest.

Day 6: Chandratal to Manali
Pack your bags early in the morning and head back to Manali. It will take 7hrs drive to reach.
As you reach Manali have some rest and Board on the bus for your further journey with sweet memories.

Things to Carry
Fleece Jacket
Woolen Gloves
Woolen Clothes
Full Sleeve Tshirts
Woolen Socks
Trekking Poles
Trekking Shoes
Water Bottle
Thermo Flask
Thermal Wears
Id - Proof
Extra Batteries for Camera
Led Flash Light
Solar Charger if you have
First Aid Kit
General Medicine Kit
Particular medicine if any prescribed by your physician
Sunscreen Lotion
Lip Balm
Small Garbage Collection Bags
Personal Toiletries
Tissue Papers
Instant Food or Snacks like Energy Bars


Do not litter
Carry a personal garbage bag with you.
Obtain all the permits before the trek commencing. It will save time.
Do not indulge in any activity which is against the Law of India.
Do not carry any weapon in the valley.
Try to avoid plastic materials as much as possible. In case you have used it during trekking, then do not leave it behind and put it in your garbage bag.
Try to avoid bad comments on co-travelers. If you face any issues, then notify your team/group leader.
If you face any health issue, then tell your team leader immediately.
As Shop/ Restaurants are not allowed in the valley, carry some snacks/dry fruits with you.
Try to avoid activities that harm nature. Be a responsible trekker.
Please do not use any toxic material during the trip; it may lead you in difficulty.
Upon asking, you have to show your id-proof the authority.
Do not make fun of any religious belief.

Views: 337

Location: Manali


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