Ronald Soriano Santamaría
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  • Cusco
  • Peru
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We invite you to explore a land full of mysteries. If you are planning a trip to Peru, Gamma Travel Agency can arrange the perfect trip, including the most popular destinations in our country. To explore the coastal desert, the Peruvian Andes, or our Amazon Travel Agency Gamma presented in this website the best of these beautiful places with beautiful photographs for you to see what is really going to visit. Our extensive knowledge of Peru to ensure the satisfaction of all our customers, especially for those who wish to travel on a different and unique. The tours we offer in Peru are perfect for those traveling on their own, honeymoon couples or groups of friends.
Gamma Travel Agency offers many travel options, including exclusive places, where many visitors have ventured yet.

Thinking that we are in the third millennium and we must meet the current needs of the market competitiveness, confidence, professionalism, is that we began this activity in order to provide INFORMATION on the best travel services to all destinations, not only in Peru, especially Milanaria the Citadel of Machu Picchu in Cusco already known as one of the new wonders of the modern world, but also around the world.

We always provide a chance to all members of the GLBT community of Peru and the world and we invite you to Peru and all the wonderful places that offers this.

Gamma is a Travel Agency accredited and we are the first travel agency exclusively for gay tourists delacomunidad therefore we support the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism of Peru and met all legal requirements that the central government and municipal demand for provision of tourist services at the national level.

This is how we create the most efficient and effective way to provide our services as a travel agency, because we know our work and our main concern is that you feel good. not only is the portal Gamma Travel Agency, but also for companies who rely on our ability to advertise various products, that is why our website has a field of multiple desenbolvimiento.

Our philosophy is:

Working for the client, to whom we dedicate our full attention to providing a timely and professional service provided.

Caring for the tiniest details

Give notice to each the right solution ..


Ronald Soriano Santamaría - Manager - Gamma Investments
On which destinations & travel topics can you advise members especially well?
What destinations are you most interested in learning about?
Peru and all tourist destinations like Cuzco, Machu Picchu, Puno, Arequipa, Lima, Chiclayo, Cajamarca, Trujillo and the northern beaches of Perú
Other travel / language expertise?
Inka Trail, Inca Jungle Trail, Experiential Tourism


La emergencia se ha desatado en Cusco debido a las intensas lluvias que vienen azotando dicha región. El ministro Martín Pérez reveló esta mañana que unos 1954 turistas están varados en Machu Picchu Pueblo debido a la suspensión de los servicios ferroviarios, originados por el bloqueo de algunos tramos de la vía férrea. “Se ha estado tratando de arreglar la vía del tren que se ha debilitado en algunos puntos, en los Km. 74, 82 y 102, pero el río desgraciadamente ha continuado subiendo, cosa que ha hecho muy difícil esta labor. Está suspendido todo el tráfico desde el Cusco a Ollantaytambo y Machu Picchu”, indicó. El titular del Mincetur dijo que se decidido no enviar a más turistas hacia la ciudadela inca, mientras se alista la evacuación de los visitantes a través de la vía hacia Santa Teresa. Dijo también que, en coordinación con el ministerio del Interior, se hará un puente aéreo con la finalidad de sacar en helicóptero primero a los niños y a la gente mayor, desde el estadio de Machu Picchu Pueblo hasta el estadio de Ollantaytambo, desde donde serán trasladados por carretera hacia la ciudad del Cusco.


El ministro Pérez dijo que ha convocado a los operadores turísticos y a representantes del INC para evaluar la situación y resolver el tema de la emergencia. Sostuvo que se buscará que los turistas afectados puedan continuar con su viaje una vez se estabilice la situación. Dijo también que los vuelos al Cusco han sido suspendidos por mal tiempo. Sobre la crecida del río Vilcanota que ha afectado la vía del tren, afirmó que se trata de una situación atípica que no se ha visto en los últimos 15 años


Las fuertes e intensas precipitaciones provocaron ayer el deslizamiento de lodo y piedras en la vía férrea Cusco-Machu Picchu-Cusco, por lo que se suspendió el servicio de trenes locales y turísticos. En base al comunicado de la empresa PeruRail, la vía férrea se vio interrumpida desde ayer en los kilómetros 48, en Huarocondo, y 55, cerca de Pachar, en la ruta Cusco-Ollantaytambo. Por lo tanto, la empresa tuvo que "suspender el servicio de emergencia para trenes turísticos que habíamos implementado y que estaba transportando aproximadamente 400 pasajeros de los servicios Vistadome, Backpacker y Hiram Bingham que salían de Poroy, y cuyo viaje se vio interrumpido por los deslizamientos a la altura de Huarocondo". El concesionario, a través de su unidad de Vía y Obras está rehabilitando dicho tramo para reanudar los servicios turísticos y locales.

Las torrenciales y persistentes precipitaciones han provocado, del mismo modo, que se ordene la suspensión de varios vuelos comerciales en el Aeropuerto Alejandro Velasco Astete de la Ciudad Imperial. El ministro Martín Pérez confirmó la suspensión de operaciones en este lugar debido al mal tiempo esta mañana. En tanto, LAP informa en su web sobre varios vuelos demorados y cancelados de diversas aerolíneas, hacia y desde Cusco

Ronald Soriano Santamaría's Pix


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At 9:13am on January 27, 2010, EnLinea Media said…
Good morning, Ronald,. and welcome to Tripatini! It's great to have you with us -- and we think you'll find our site productive as well as interesting and enjoyable.

To get the most out of Tripatini, we recommend you take a moment to join several other of our many groups which you may find of particular use, such as Travel Agents, Tour Operators/Suppliers, Eco/Sustainable Tourism, Adventure Travel, History/Heritage/Archaeology, Eating/Drinking the World, and plenty of others covering many other topics and most destinations across the globe.

FYI, on your profile you'll see a green bar marked "Text Box," which you can turn into a box containing not just text but also photos and even videos about yourself, your company, southern/eastern Africa, and more.

Finally, if you would, please be so kind as to spread the word among your travel-interested friends, family, colleagues, associates, and clients. It's fast and easy to use our "INVITE" function above left on the navigation bar to enter e-mails (even your whole list at once!). If you'd like to consider blogging for us, rates and guidelines are available upon request. Finally, if you have a Facebook or Twitter account, please join our fan page and follow us (see front page info box), and tweet us! We'll be happy to follow you, as well.

Thanks much for joining us; we wish you an outstanding start to 2010, and it goes without saying that we look forward to seeing you online.

At 8:52pm on January 26, 2010, Maralyn D Hill said…
Welcome to the IFWTWA group on Tripatini. We look forward to your comments.

You may wish to check out to see if your feel our Association would be a good fit for you.

I’m always willing to answer questions.


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