A quick guide to one of the best places to visit In Vietnam

One of the best  experiences for travelers to Vietnam is to prepare a cruise in Halong Bay. This will give you with a fun and unforgettable trip as you head right into the center of the bay to explore its wonders for yourself.

An Overview of the Bay

Halong Bay is one of the best place and unique attraction that you can to explore during your time in Vietnam. It is a UN World Natural Heritage Site and is placed in the north east of Vietnam. About one thousand and five hundreds square-kilometre bay is home to thousands of rock islands that rise out of the water to heights of up to one hundred metres, making an other-worldly atmosphere.

The Islands of the Bay

These 2 islands have permanent communities living on them and it's fascinating to go to and find out a bit more about their way of life - and especially to see their floating homes. There are facilities for travellers and some good beaches to check out - ideal if you have discoverd some of the little islands and worn yourself out by climbing up the steep slopes

Even those islands that don't have caves make for very interesting places to stop off during your cruise. Clearly it's not possible to stop off at all of the islands, however some of the best island to visit include Tuan Chau and Cat Ba, which are among the biggest in the bay.

Things to Do
Just be warned that this isn't an easy trek, especially if you choose the longer way. It's also an interesting journey to check out the enchanting market in Halong City. There're lots of strange items of food and drink on show here, so try a few out for yourself.

There are many great things to see and do when you organized a cruise in Halong Bay. For example, you may explorer any number of the wonderful caves, including Sung Sôt cave and Dau Go cave. You could also want to trekking, and one of the best places to visit this's on Cat Ba Island.

The Caves of the Bay

The most exciting options that you could get the possibility to discover after you organize a cruise in Halong Bay are the many caves. These caves are shaped inside some of the islands and therefore the biggest of the lot is Dau Go Cave, which is well value a visit if you have the possibility.

Enjoy Your Cruise in Halong Bay

This lovely bay region is one of the best places to visit in Vietnam, so if you are discovering around here make certain that you just stop off to require winthin the unimaginable sights. It's not like anything else you may see in South East Asia, so create it a must-see on your journey.

Viet Expert Travel is a provider a high quality tours to Vietnam and other adventure tours to destinations such as Cambodia and Laos. Vietnam tours from Viet Expert Travel take you out of your comfort zone and immerse you in a thrilling, faraway land.

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