I just wanted to jot down a few things about visiting Brazil. First you need a visa. You can get a visa by using a surrogate company, these are people that you pay to travel to a Brazilian embassy and get the visa for you. These are typically expensive ($300 or more) and take time. Brazil sets up their fees to match what the country of residence charges Brazilian citizens, which in the case of the United States is $100. We personally visited the Brazilian Embassy in Miami, dropped our passports off one day, and were able to pick up our visa and passports the next morning, total coast $100 each. The visa is good for five years. Another requirement for visiting Brazil is a yellow fever shot. This can be gotten from your local doctor or in our case from the Dept of Health. This shot is good for ten years. If you are on a cruise ship that stops in Brazil and have failed to get the visa, they will not let you onboard. The yellow fever shot can normally be gotten onboard, but should not be counted on.

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