Article first published as Bugs Are the New Sushi on Technorati.


Sumathi Reddy's article, Bug Eaters try to get some Buzz on September 15 in the Wall Street Journal said: "bugs are tasty, and good for you, too—high in protein, low in fat, cheap and good for the environment. 'I think it's what sushi was 20 or 30 years ago,' he said. 'Now it's time for bugs.' Across the country, entomophagy—the eating of insects—has gained a small audience hopeful that the inclusion of bugs in global cuisine from Southeast Asia to Mexico inspires more of a following for such dishes in the U.S."


Yes, that is me eating part of a fried cricket
in the Night Market in Chiang Mai, Thailand
Part you ask? Well, once the little leg touched
my lip..That was the end of the EATING!

You can see me tasting fried cricket in Thailand. We also saw lots of insects being consumed on Snack street in Beijing.


Sarah Parsons in "Want Cheap, Eco-Friendly, Healthy Fare? Try Eating Bugs," says "most consumers would need to get over that ick factor associated with crunching on caterpillars. Just thinking about a cricket leg brushing up against my tongue triggers my gag reflex. But if bugs boast the sustainable foodie traits experts claim they do, I'm willing to take a bite in the name of saving the planet and eating healthy. Plus, cover anything in garlic and chipotle sauce, and it's dinner to me."


I personally am not ready to switch completely to bugs as the little legs do creep me out. But I am willing to TRY them again! Who knows if you crush them up and put them in a pita, maybe it is like tuna fish or egg salad, bugs could be the next new food craze.

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Happy Travels!
Lisa and George

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