Cappadocia, Turkey: The No.1 Hot Air Balloon Experience We Ever Had!

If you have a bucket list (many of us do) this is something you should add, and then tick off! Today I’ll be telling you guys about my most recent trip to Cappadocia in Turkey … where we took the cappadocia hot air balloon tour which made our excursions literally the best we’ve had while travelling abroad!

I stayed in Cappadocia recently with my wife and kids, we flew down from Istanbul and we arrived in the most beautiful setting I’d ever seen. We booked our Hot Air Balloon Tour via a company called

Turkey is a modern, secular and Western-oriented country with a dynamic economy.  Its people are disarmingly friendly to visitors; the cuisine is diverse and outstanding, the cities are like large outdoor cultural museums, the countryside looks like one giant national park and the beaches where the sand is golden and sparkles like diamonds. You will never be disappointed with your visit here!

Turkey's past is simply incredible, the world's oldest city was discovered here, at Çatalhöyük ageing it at (7500 BC). As a vast and varied country, Turkey six times bigger than Mediterranean Greece yet has 50 percent fewer inhabitants per square climate kilo-meter.

My wife, kids went to Cappadocia tour from Istanbul into the most beautiful landscape we had ever seen. It looked like something out of a Star Wars scene on the planet Tatooine! We were picked up from our hotel the following morning by our guides for the tour at 4.50am in the morning. We were sure to bring we our jumpers as in the morning it can be quite cold. We were taken by private car to the launch site where we could watch the Hot Air Balloons being prepared for flight.

The breakfast was a lavish traditional Turkish buffet which was gorgeous. We then were taken to the balloon for lift off.

We floated over the spectacular landscape and watch the sunrise in front of us, lighting up the ground below. Fairy chimneys and rock formations began to appear, we felt like we were in a fantasy. Luckily our kids are aged 9 and 11 and could board the flight, because they were so excited! We have pictures that speak and thousand words now and that’s forever.  Once we landed me and the wife had a lovely glass of champagne to clink (included in the tour) and the kid’s got a brilliant flight certificate to show off to their mates and teachers at school when we return home.

Best time of our lives, and now we’ve ticked our Hot Air Balloon fantasy trip off our bucket list.

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