Enchoro Road Transport Package

10 Days Kenya and Tanzania Adventure Safaris.

Day 1 : Nairobi/Mara
Depart from Nairobi in the morning at 8.00am and head southward to the viewpoint of the Great Rift Valley. Continue to Narok a small Masaai town for lunch then to Masaai Mara for an afternoon game viewing. Dinner and night at the enchoro wildlife camp masai mara.

Day 2 : Masaai Mara
Morning and afternoon game drives from the comfortable base of the camp, explore the parks amazingly high concentration of game. This game reserve is Kenya's finest wildlife sanctuary. Including migrants, well over 450 species of animals have been recorded here. Although July, August and September are the months when the Mara plains are filled with migrating wildebeest and zebra, there is also resident wildlife year round. The famous Maasai tribesmen live within the dispersal area of the game reserve. Dinner and overnight at the Camp.

Day 3: Masaai Mara/L.Nakuru
Pre breakfast game drive, return to campsite for late breakfast and leave your campsite and proceed to L.Nakuru arriving in the late afternoon for dinner and overnight in Nakuru.

Day 4: Nakuru/Nairobi
After early morning breakfast proceed for a game drive in L.Nakuru National park known for it’s millions of flamingoes and other water birds. Leave Nakuru after lunch for Nairobi arriving mid or late afternoon for overnight at Nairobi International Youth Hostel.

Day 5 : Nairobi/Arusha.
Pick up from your hotels in Nairobi at 7.30 am drive to Arusha with a stopover at the border post for imigration formalities,arrive in Arusha to be met by one of our staff followed by safari briefing,overnight in Arusha Hotel.

Day 6 : Arusha/L.Manyara.
Pick up from your hotel in Arusha at 8.30 am and proceed to Lake Manyara National Park for afternoon game drive. A good network of tracks and roads in the park allows excellent game viewing opportunities. Animals seen include buffalo and elephant. Other animals present that can be seen with luck are the tree climbing lions, leopard and black rhino. Lesser flamingos and Egyptian geese are some of the birds seen here. Dinner and overnight at the campsite.

Day 7 : Lake Manyara- Ngorongoro Crater
After breakfast,leave lake manyara for ngorongoro crater arriving in the afternoon, descend 2000 ft (670m) into the crater floor for full day crater tour with break for lunch at Ngoitoktok springs picnic site. Black manned lions, rhinos, buffaloes, elephants and other grazing animals abound. Evening game drive, return to Ngorongoro wildlife campsite for dinner and overnight.

Day 8: Ngorongoro/Serengeti
Leave ngorongoro after breakfast for Serengeti arriving in time for lunch after lunch proceed for afternoon game drive in this unique park to see the many animals, dinner and overnight at serengeti seronera campsite.

Day 9 : Serengeti
Morning and afternoon game drive in the Serengeti with a lunch and leisure break at the lodge or campsite in the mid afternoon .The term ‘serengeti’ means endless plains in maasai language. In the central plains there are carnivores like, leopards, hyena and cheetah. This park is normally the scene of the annual migration of the wildebeest and zebras, which occurs between Serengeti and kenya’s maasai mara game reserve. Eagles, Flamingoes, duck, geese, vultures are among the birds that can be seen in the park, Dinner and overnight in your campsite.

Day 10: Serengeti- Arusha
After breakfast leave the campsite for game viewing on your way out of Serengeti, drive to Arusha via Mto wa Mbu village where the tour ends in the afternoon

- Park entrance fee
- Crater tour as per the Itinerary
- Full board accommodation on safari
- Service of an English speaking driver guide
- Transport based on a 4WD Vehicle with pop up roof for game viewing and safari vehicle
- Driver allowances and park fees for vehicle and driver
- Game drives as per the Itinerary
- Any applicable taxes

- Extras at the lodges i.e. drinks, telephone, laundry etc.
- International flight
- Visa entry into Tanzania

-tips to porters and drivers

Banis Otiato

Reservations Consultant

Enchoro Wildlife Camp Ltd

Nairobi International Youth Hostel

Ralph Bunche Road, Upper Hill Nairobi

Tel : +254 20 2726011/ +2711217/ +254 20 2738046 -

Fax: +254 20 2726011

Mobile: +254 722760661/+254 732739483

Email: info@enchorowildlifecamp.com






Enchoro Wildlife Camp Ltd


Ralph Bunche Road, Upper Hill

Tel : +254 20 2714317/ +254 20 8068511

Fax: +254 20 2714317

Mobile: +254 724 475 586/+254 475 586






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