Exploring Citadel of the Hồ Dynasty in Thanh Hoa

Thanh Hoa is one of the most interesting places that has a lot of wonderful and mystery landscapes attracting thousands of tourists all around the world.

Tay Do Citadel ( Tay Giai or Tay Do castle) is the most mentioned landscape in Thanh Hoa. It was inscribed on UNESCO World Heritage Site on June 27, 2011. The outside of Tay Do castle was constructed from stone blocks but the inside was built by using soil.

The castle has four gates. In addition to the highlights of the most unique building in Southeast Asia, Citadel of the Hồ Dynasty hidden the mystery of stones which havs an average length of 1.5 meters, weigh up to 15-20 tons  were stacked on each other without adhesion while maintaining durability.

Citadel of the Hồ Dynasty

Another famous place of Thanh Hoa is Sam Son beach in which has a long coastline and majestic scenery. This beach was been exploited by the French since 1960 and became a popular resort in Indochina.

When coming here, you can swim, enjoy a lot of delicous seafood, participate in water sports, admire the beauty of Trong Mai islet, and visit Hon Dau lighthouse – one of the most famous lighthouses in Vietnam, or even you can also explore Fairy mountain ( Nui Co Tien) and Doc Cuoc temple.

In addition, if you have free time, you might visit Cam Luong Fish Stream ( Fish god) in Ngoc village, Cam Thuy District, more than 70km from the west of Thanh Hoa city. There are thousands of big and small fish which stick to length of over 100 meters of the stream.

Coming to Thanh Hoa, you will have the chance to enjoy plenty of famous specialities such as Nem Chua, Che Lam Phu Quang, Mountain Goats, Chickens Hill dishes, Banh Gai Tu Tru, Mussel Dishes in Giang village, Kim Tan Black Sugarcane…

The beauty of Sam Son beach


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