Four in Ten Americans Say They'd Least Like to Fly With their Own Children

A new survey has revealed who Americans would least like to get on a plane with, and their own children came out as the top answer. What’s more, 18% have avoided holidays abroad so that they don’t have to fly.


Children have topped the list that Americans would least like to fly with, in a study looking into their travelling habits, followed by their partner’s family and their colleagues – which were the next most popular answers.


The team at undertook the research as part of an ongoing study into American’s travelling habits and practices. 3,640 Americans over 18 were polled, all of whom were in a relationship, had children and had flown overseas at least once in the previous twelve months.


All respondents were asked first who they would least like to catch a flight with, and the most popular answers were as follows:

  1. My child/children – 42%
  2. My partner’s family members– 23%
  3. My colleagues– 19%
  4. My parents – 12%
  5. My partner – 4%


Of all the participants, 79% said that they’d had a bad experience on a flight because of who they were with, and the majority (64%) said they’d had a difficult experience on a flight with their children.


Respondents who answered that they would least like to fly with their children were then asked for their reasons. The most popular response given was that their children would disrupt the flight (72%), followed by 54% who said their children would prevent them from sleeping, and 35% who said they ended up spending too much on flights with their children.


All respondents were finally asked whether they had ever chosen to go on a local holiday in order to avoid flying, and 18% of respondents said that they had.


A spokesperson for commented on the findings:


“Flying can often be a stressful time for people, and travellers want to have as easy a flight as possible. It is understandable to want to fly with someone who will make it easier, but it was surprising to find that the majority of respondents said they would least like to fly with their children. It might be worth looking at local holidays, or finding a good babysitter!”


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