Ethiopian History: King Solomon, the Queen of Sheba & the Ark of the Covenant

Hearing the words of a man that travelled around the world Saba and her servant went to see the wise king and his amazing deeds. After the visit from Israel and the wise king of the land – Solomon both conceived a child and gave birth back in Ethiopia.

  •       They are back – the Queen and her servant, carrying brother babies in their wombs. Two decades passed since the brothers were born of their mothers. And now, as it should have been, they wanted to know who their father was.
  •       The Queen of Sheba, the mother of her son Menelik, sent them both to their father far in the East. And they set out in search of their wise father.
  •       Now the brothers reached their father’s palace and the gate keeper let them in. Solomon loved to play little tricks always and now hearing their arrival he placed himself among his servants and left the throne and the crown for one of his servants.
  •       Zagwe, born of the King and the servant of Queen Sheba entered first and bowed to the ‘forged king’. Menelik followed him and walking in to the room he looked every corner of the chamber and recognized his father who was standing among the servants.
  •       Solomon demonstrated how he was very proud of his sons with royal welcome and distinguished hospitality. The wise king taught his sons of his wisdom; shared them his knowledge; and showed them how they should keep and respect their identity and religion.
  •       Two years passed for the father loved his children and the sons their father.
  •       Now the high priests and the authorities rebuked the king for he was spending more time with his beloved sons than he should and forgotten his duties.
  •       The king had nothing to say except one thing – they all had to give first-born of their children to accompany his sons and help them to preach the word of God. They all agreed and sent them with the visitors following a great farewell.  
  •       Among those first-borns was a man who was the son of the guardian of The Ark of the Covenant. And he had made the spitting image of the original Ark and replaced the first with the second.
  •       On their way back home, this man exposed his crime to Menelik and convinced him that it was the right thing for him to do for the Ark, if it was not willing to be taken away, it could have killed him right at the moment of his first encounter.


We feel today’s lesson is quite shocking for it is the part where you just discovered the truth about the ‘Lost Ark’. Better for you to know that the truth is this that Ethiopia is where the story of the Ark melted in to.

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