Fear of ‘C’ (China/Covid/Corona) virus. Ask, do I want to be in a crowded airport, take a flight wearing a mask, be in another crowded airport, perhaps in a country with lesser health controls, stay at an all-inclusive resort, line up at food buffets, join a tour bus with another 30+people, board a gigantic cruise ship with 1000’s of other travellers, land at ports for more crowded tours, get on a train, stay in ginormous hotels or visit countries that do not have acceptable health, safety and security systems in place?

The fear of ‘C’ is now present with many of us. I believe there will be a tremendous rejection of inbound Chinese tours which use the bus, train, boat, plane to visit our villages, towns, cities, cultural sites, parks and wilderness areas in large groups (often wearing face-masks). And, do we want to travel to China? 

Finally, will insurance companies be 'fearful' of offering suitable and affordable coverage for 'all' age groups?

We are still open to SME travel biz to list/link FOC direct booking offers by destinations and activities. TTTC is an excellent resource for travellers to plan for when the fear of ‘C’ has dissipated. This is a mktg and promo opp. to consider for post ‘C’ sales.

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