Help for the Lost Luggage Disaster

According to The Department of Transportation says only 0.005% of bags are lost.

But that’s not counting delays in repatriating passengers with their luggage.

The Cheapflights' site has some helpful information if it’s your bag that happens to be lost or delayed somewhere.

But you know, many of us  who fly frequently are so vexed at the baggage fees, that using a luggage forwarding system is not only a kind of sweet revenge, but for the few bucks more, it saves time, hassle  and provides a great measure of personal satisfaction.

You know the drill.

Check your bags and pay a fee.

Or break your backs jamming them in the overhead bins and adding to the chaos of passengers trying to cram too many bags into too little space, resulting in frayed nerves and delayed departures.

Then there’s the very real possibility of never seeing your checked bags again.

You can’t leave them behind, much as you’d love to… but you can have them picked up, security wrapped and delivered to your destination for a few bucks a pound.

Some companies like Luggage Free say they’re the only company to actually security wrap luggage, and offer live customer service 24 hours a day.

I did call one of their reps and was impressed with their courtesy and efficiency.

So how much is a few bucks to ship your vacation bags and have them waiting for you when you arrive?

• For 1 business day delivery, Luggage Free charges  $5.50 a pound for bags; $244.00 for golf clubs; $191.00 for skis and a bike costs $ 424

But smart travelers bring enough stuff in their carry-ons and opt for the cheaper second or even third day delivery.

• Third business day delivery (by 7 PM that day) drops the luggage fee to $2.75 a pound, with golf clubs costing $108: skis $99.00 and a bike, $209.00

A lot of money?

Maybe. But what’s it worth to  have your bags arrive on time at your specific resort or hotel”

You can also ship all your  dirty clothes and bag back home, and get an email or phone notification when they arrive.

Other companies like Luggage Forward and Luggage Concierge  also specialize in door to destination and delivery and may be a bit cheaper.

It’s difficult to tell because there are so many variables to consider from weight to zip codes to chosen delivery times, etc.

Their web site sites are also less easy to use, and  more transactional. But I’m sure they get the job done.

We asked Luggage Free president, Jeff Boyd, how his service is different from DHL or Fed EX .

“ There’s no comparison,’’ he said. “Luggage free takes a more direct approach and we provide more personalized service like coming to the clients home at the time they chose. And our customer reps are available 24 hours a day, with luggage is insured, at no cost to the traveler.”

Packing heavy but traveling light may be  the Valium-free way to go.

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Comment by Kaleel Sakakeeny on June 18, 2011 at 12:29pm if you had shipped them you would have saved time and money and been much less stressed!
Thanks for writing in, David
Comment by David Lawrence on June 18, 2011 at 12:14pm
Airline lost my skis for two days when I went to A-basin so i had to rent for two days and all i got when i complained was $100 credit for the airline.

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