Hotels near Ahmedabad Railway Station Blends the Ancient with the Modern

During your stay at hotels near Ahmedabad railway station, you get ample scope to explore the city with its fine blend of modernity with the traditional. Its one side reflects tranquillity and spiritual peace while the other shows a rapid pace of life similar to any other highly developed city across the world. The spiritual past of the country can be seen distinctly at the Bapuji Ashram in Sabarmati. Today the city bustles with business and industrial activities of every kind.

When one comes to Ahmedabad, its unique culture is the first thing that catches the eye. Apart from highly developed flyovers and roadways, you will also come across glitzy shopping markets teeming with shopkeepers and customers alike. Some of the premier institutes of education are located in the city such as IIM-A. With so much of importance, it is no wonder that the hospitality industry gains from regular visitor influx into big business. One of the popular ones is the hotels in Navrangpura Ahmedabad as well as at other places too.

In spite of all its evident modernity, its rich past shines through in all aspects of life. The hospitality and warmth of people touches your heart while local arts and traditions rejuvenate your spirit. Historically too it was one of the biggest cities around in the pre-British Raj much before Madras or Calcutta Presidencies came into being. Bhil Kings used to rule 11 century Ahmedabad before the Patan Solanki Rulers usurped them. After the 13th century however, whole of Gujarat State came under the rule of Delhi Sultanate.

You will come across the evidence of different rules and the influence of different cultures both Indian and foreign into the making of the city. At hotels near Ahmedabad railway station you'll get a taste of hospitality of this place and can use it as a gateway to discover the joys of staying at this was standard city in Gujarat. From early on everybody has appreciated the business acumen of people here and this capability shines through still in the financial and economic growth currently seen here.

The IT boom has touched lives everywhere and the same is evident in this prominent Gujarat city too. People come from all parts of India and the world to stay at hotels in Navrangpura Ahmedabad and take part in work or enjoy leisure activities when their job is done. Textile industry here is quite well developed besides the city is also home to many reputed business houses, IT companies, industries, and institutes. Another of the reasons of the high developments in this city is its good connectivity to other parts of India and the world. Besides road connections, it also boasts of two railway stations and an international airport. No wonder, Hotels near Ahmedabad Railway Station Blends the Ancient with the Modern.

She is an avid writer and specializes in topics like hotels and resorts in India. She provides handy information on hotels, tourist places, business hotels, hotel packages, offers etc. Get More Information,  Hotels near Ahmedabad Railway Station

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