6 Day Kilimanjaro Climbing Machame Route Down Mweka.

Day 1 : Arusha- Machame Gate to Machame Hut (9,300’) Hike time: 7.5 hrs,
Pick up from your Hotel in Arusha at 8.00 am for an early start to Kilimanjaro National Park, once we reach the Machame park gate we will proceed directly to Machame hut campsite Elevation change: +1200 M Estimated distance: 10km, Final elevation: 3100 M, From the gate, we begin our trek following an easy track for the first hour through the dense forest. The path continues to follow the ridge, rising steadily with several steep sections. The gradient eases slightly as the forest merges into heather covered ground we will reach Machame Hut in 10 km (6.2 miles) after a 1,200-meter (3,936’) ascent and 5-7 hours of walking.


Day 2: Machame Hut to Shira Hut (12,300’),  

Hike time: 7 hrs, Elevation change: +800 M, estimated distance: 6km, Final elevation: 3800 M, From the Machame Hut we cross the stream onto its west bank and follow the path up the steep rocky ridge crises-crossing a few times before reaching Shira Hut at the base of a semi-circular wall of rocks. We will have ascended 900 meters (3,000’) in 5-7 hours and about 6 km (3.72 miles) of walking.


Day 3: Shira Hut to Barranco Hut (12,800’),

Hike time: 5 hrs, Elevation change: +100 M Estimated distance: Final elevation: 3900 M, From Shira Hut hike to Lava Tower (15,000’) and then proceed to Barranco via the Great Barranco Wall. This route offers panoramic views of Kibo through Karanga Valley as we hike high and sleep low, dropping back down to Barranco after lunch. Today’s hike will take most of the day Barranco campsite located on elevation of 3950m.


Day 4: Barranco Hut to Karanga Valley (14,800’),

Hike time: 3.5 hrs, Elevation change: +100 M, Estimated distance: 4km, Maximum elevation: 4590 M, Final elevation: 4000 M From Barranco Hut we climb up through the edge of great Barranco 95percentage of that day walking will be on elevation of 4250m. We will break our day at Karanga valley campsite at elevation of 4,000m walking time is 4 to 5 hrs on this day.


Day 5: Karanga Valley to Barafu Hut (4,600m)

Hike time: 3.5 hrs, Elevation change: +600 M, Estimated distance: 4km, Final elevation: 4600 M, Today involves gaining a little more elevation, acclimatizing and resting for the summit attempt the next morning. This day will take us 4 to 6 hrs of walking. SUMMIT DAY! Summit time: 7 hrs, Elevation change: +1300 M, Estimated distance: 5km, Final elevation: 5895 M
Descent time: 5 hrs, Elevation change: -2800M, Estimated distance: 12km, Final elevation: 3100 M, We will start trekking early before sunrise (1-2 am) as the walk today will take 10-14 + hours. We will avoid the mist that sets in later in the day; the scree and snow will still be safely frozen. The 1,100-meter (3,600’) ascent in just over 3 km (1.86 miles) will take us about 6-8 hours. After a brief stay at the summit of the highest point in Africa, Uhuru Peak, at over 5,898 meters (19,340'), we descend via the Barafu Route roughly 2,500 meters (8,200’) in 12 km (7.44 miles) in about 4-7 hours to Mweka Camp.


Day 6: Mweka Hut to Mweka Gate (6,000’)
Descent time: 4 hrs, Elevation change: -1250M, Estimated distance: 10km, Final elevation: 1828 M, Today we descend about 1400 meters (4,592’) through the forest on a jungle path for about 10 km (6.2 miles) in 3-4 hours to reach Mweka Gate for transfer to Arusha.





1 : Transfer from Nairobi to Arusha.
2 : First night accommodation at Arusha Tourist Inn Hotel.
3 : Transfer from Arusha to the mountain.
4 : All Park entrance fee.
5 : Accommodation on the mountain in huts.
6 : Three meals a day while on the mountain.
7 : Airport pick on arrival in Nairobi.
8 : Use of our Guides/Potters.



1.Personal items e.g. pocket money.
2.Extras , e.g. drinks such as sodas,beers,mineral water etc.
3.International flight fare.
4.Tips to Driver Guides.

5.Visa entry to Tanzania



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Comment by diana kigunda on October 21, 2011 at 12:11am

Have you ever climbed the mount?if not then try the kilimanjaro with Africa home adventure will plann all for and you will enjoy


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