India's Spectacular, Mountainous Ladakh Region

And when you plan to execute such a voyage, what else than Ladakh can be a perfect destination for this? Well, yes! The enthralling scenic beauty and the adventurous endeavors associated with touring in and around Leh and Ladakh is indeed a wonderful feeling that stays with you for ling.

People from around the world visit this destination repeatedly to soak in the amazing locales amidst the mountains. That is why it would be definitely a treat to yourself if you include all-inclusive Ladakh tour packages to go on for your next dream expedition.


Here, let us discuss some of the places to visit and things to do when you are in Ladakh for a vacation. Read on


  • Nubra valley- if you travel to Ladakh and do not visit this place, you are already missing something worthy to experience in your trip because this valley located in Leh has a magical beauty that will leave you spellbound. It is a paradise for the adrenal junkies as it has so many adventurous activities on offer for its visitors, like trekking and camping amongst others. Moreover, this valley is an all-time favorite for sightseeing because of its breathtaking beauty.
  • Monasteries- Ladakh serves the best purpose for the devotees as it consists of too ay monasteries. The ones out for a tri can also experience the sojourn in some of the monasteries spread across the Ladakh valleys and thus they can up their religious games a bit by that. Some of the famous monasteries are Spituk Gompa (hilltop monastery), Namgyal monastery, Lamayuru monastery, Hemis monastery, Likir monastery and many more.
  • Road trip- planning a Leh Ladakh trip without planning for a road trip is like eating the meal without salt; it’s incomplete! A road trip (mainly in a bike) amidst the landscapes of Ladakh is indeed a ravishing experience for the travelers eyeing for excitement in the journey.
  • Kargil- once a terrific war zone that complicated things between India and Pakistan, this place is now one of the most visited locales of Ladakh. Back then it used to be a trading route for people eyeing businesses in China, India, Afghanistan, and Turkey. However, after the war, it has closed doors to such trades and now after so many years, it is only seen as a beautiful tourist spot that is full of scenic attractions and also the 2nd biggest town in Ladakh.


Traveling in itself works as a healing resource for the lost souls around the world. It soothes our souls in a way that it heals us from within and we feel the energy and enthusiasm back in our everyday monotonous lives. When we go for frequent tours to newer destinations, it automatically charges up to get back to the daily struggles after returning back from the trip.

So, we must plan to schedule trips according to our financial capabilities and touring choices whenever possible. When talking about getting refreshed by a trip, it’s obvious that choosing the correct location matters and what more can be a perfect locale than Ladakh? It is a rare combination of scenic beauty and picturesque landscapes to make every visit worth it. Therefore, the next time you plan a trip make sure Leh and Ladakh top your list of destinations.

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