Trip Duration: 12 days.
Destination: Nepal.
Best season: March, April and May & September, October and November.
Activity: Langtang Gosainkunda Trek.
Per day Hiking: 3-8 hours.
Elevation:(Minimum 1540) and Maximum (4609m).
Trip Difficulty: Moderate.
Trek Cost:U$D 750-890.
Group size:1-20.
Accommodation: Tea House/Lodge/Hotel during the Trek.
Meals included: (Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner) during the trek.
Transportation: Bus/Jeep/Van.
Trekking starting point: Shyabrubensi.
Trekking Ending point:Sundarijal.


Langtang Gosaikunda trek is Short and easy trekking in Nepal Himalayans region. It is designed with a combination of the bucolic and holy lake of Gosaikunda. This trekking trail region is highly inhabited by local Tamang and Sherpa peoples. It lies within Langtang National park. Gosaikunda is famous for holy lakes of Nepal which is believed to be produced by lord Shiva himself. Gosaikunda Lake is the most imperative destination of this trek. Gosaikunda Lake is holy and religious to both Hindus and Buddhists. So much peoples goes to travel this lake during the full moon in August season time. Gosaikunda Lake is 140km northern from Kathmandu valley. Short and solo Langtang Gosaikunda trekking is one of the delightful treks in the Langtang valley regions which combines rural with fantastic village of Bamboo, Lama Hotel, Langtang and Kyanjin Gompa valley with high white snow-capped Mountains and glaciers.

Trek to Langtang Gosaikunda valley is fully of an enjoyable with the fascinating of Tamangs, Tibetans and Sherpa local history. This valley is rich of local culturally and traditional Himalayans glaciers and Mountains, clothing, craftsmanship and traditionally built stone of this Langtang and Gosaikunda valley regions can take you long years ago. You can also observer the wonderful scenery of Langtang II, langtang Lirung, Dorje Lakpa, Yala Peak and many more etc.

Langtang Gosaikunda region consists of more than 100 species of floras and fauns with wild animals’ lives there such as likes; Red Panda, Musk deer, Mountains goats, Himalayan Thars, snow leopard, white and brown monkeys and many more. And this trek also provides to see the beautiful colors of birds. This region among the includes 250 species of birds. 

This trek is the best for who has short time but still want to explore the high mountains, local traditional cultural, landscapes, divers, wildlife animals and vegetation. Travelling form lowland to high mountains with an amazing alpine ramble, pristine lakes, white snow-capped Mountains views. Langtang Gosaikunda trek is perfect trip to Himalayans experience the Hidden valley lifestyle of local peoples within the short time.


  • March – April – May (Spring Season).

This is the best time to do the Langtang Gosaikunda Trek. The weather is very good through the trek. Spectacular views of the Langtang II, Langtang Lirung, Manaslu range, Ganesh Himal, Surya Peak, Tibetan peaks and many smaller white snow-capped mountains etc. 

The temperatures will be increasing from the middle of March and with blue skies, white-snow capped will be seen at their occasion. So many Travelers often succeed their climber in this time. On the way trip, the Nepalese National flowers will be blossom likes; red, white and pink colors with luscious green and dense forest.

  • June – July – August (Summer/Monsoon Season).

If you would like to do Langtang Gosaikunda trek in between June to August, it is summer/Monsoon Season. Summer Season Falls in the Month end of June to till August. This time is the hottest and rainfalls with a variety of vegetation blossom during this season, the Valley will be green and totally different view than spring and Autumn Season. While you are going to travel, Summer Season you have to be more careful with trekking trails, it might be Muddy and Slippery. It will be regularly rains and hottest during this season.

About the temperature during the days 15 to 25°C, will be gets colder nights and morning times, Temperature will be less than 8°C, and must of the morning time will be see blue sky with white snow-capped Mountains.

  • September – October – November (Autumn Season).

Another best time to do for the Langtang Gosaikunda Trek. This season is the peak of trekkers due to the good weather conditions. As monsoon season slowly ends, a best trekking climate sets itself. The temperature will be goes up to 15 degrees in the day time and, during the night time will be down to 3 to 5 degrees. This time is while travelers relaxing with naturally views and culturally. It is highly recommended as its best time to go for Langtang Gosaikunda Trek.

  • December – January – February (Winter Season).

The winter season trek to Langtang Gosaikunda are famous season as the March – April – May to September – October – November. The places along the Langtang Gosaikunda trek will be cold during the winter season but at that time will be an amazing trip. The temperature of Langtang Gosaikunda trek can be around as low as -15°C which tempts travelers to visit this region. It might snow falls and the Ground will be snow on the trails.

The Coldest time Starts from December to till early February, after overdue February, Climate will be slowly gets warmer temperatures to get cold dropping to -2°C to - 5°C at high altitude. While the sun come up, day time gets warms and blue sky with stunning all Himalayas views.


  • Langtang National park check point Dunche (Army Camp).
  • sunrise and sunset view from Khynjing Ri(4810m) and Tserko Ri (4998m).
  • Earthquake damage Langtang village.
  • Tamang ethnic ,culture and village.
  • Langtang national park wild Animal like Monkey,Red panda,mountain Goats and many more.
  • Gosaikunda lake like Sarswoti kunda,Bhairav kunda,Gosainkunda lake and many more.
  • The lauri binayak pass la.


  • Day 01: Drive from Kathmandu to Syabrubesi (1462m / 4796 ft) 6/7 hrs by Bus.
  • Day 02: Trek form Syabrubesi to Lama Hotel (2450m / 8038 ft) 5/6hrs.
  • Day 03: Trek from Lama Hotel to Langtang village (3560m / 11679 ft) 6/7hrs.
  • Day 04: Trek from Langtang village to Kyanjin Gompa (3870m / 12696 ft) 2/3hrs.
  • Day 05: Rest day at same place.
  • Day 06: Trek from Kyanjin Gompa to Lama Hotel (2450m / 8038 ft) 6/7hrs.
  • Day 07: Trek from Lama Hotel to Thulo Syabru (2170m / 7119 ft) 5/6hrs.
  • Day 08: Trek from Thulo Syabru to Sing Gompa (3560m / 11679 ft) 6/7hrs.
  • Day 09: Sing Gompa to Gosaikunda Lake (4380m / 14370ft) 4/5hrs.
  • Day 10: Trek from Gosaikunda to Sing Gompa (3560m / 11679 ft) 4 hrs.
  • Day 11: Trek from Sing Gompa to Dunche (1960m / 6430 ft) 3/4hrs.
  • Day 12: Drive to Kathmandu.


  • Airport transportation on arrival and departure days (our staff will do pick you up and drop you off).
  • Arrangement Trekking equipment such as the Sleeping bags and down jackets (if you do not have own) its rental included if needs.
  • First Aid Kit Medical.
  • Trip Route Map, Outline itinerary and printed (Himalayan Local Guide Pvt. Ltd) Hiking T-shirt.
  • We provide an Oximeter to measure your Oxygen and Pulse at high altitude sickness to find out the accurate your health Condition when you are in the Himalaya.


  • International Airport to Hotel and Airport Pick up and drop by private car / van / Jeep / Hiace depend on the Group Size.
  • Transportation service from Kathmandu – Syabrubesi by Bus.
  • Dunche - kathmandu by Bus.
  • All Meals on full Board basis BLD (Italian, Chinese, Indian, Nepali and many European delicious food lunches, dinner and breakfast) Choose by menu.
  • Three times Cup of tea and coffee on your choice in every meal time.
  • All necessary Entry fee including Langtang National Park permit and Tims Card (Trekking Information Management System).
  • Himalayan Local Guide team, Professional Honest, strong and Government trained English speaking Guide, His salary, three times the meals, Insurance and equipments, etc.
  • Himalayan experienced strong and honest porters during the trek (2 Clients for 1 Porter).
  • Trekking Lodges (Tea House or Home Stay) During the Trek.
  • Assistant Guide for the group 5 or above.
  • Approval of Certificate after the successful trekking.
  • Supplementary energy bar, crackers, Cookies and Halls etc.
  • Seasonal fruits likes; Apple, Oranges, pomegran and Blackberry etc.
  • First Aid kit box (Guide will Carry it during the trekking).


  • Cold drink, such as beer, mineral water, cock, Fanta and Whisky etc.
  • Personal expenses such as laundry, telephone, WIFI, Hot Shower, Shopping etc.
  • Your International air fare.
  • Nepal visa fee. (15 Days -25 U$D, 30 Days — 40U$D and 90 Days — 100 U$D.
  • Hotel in Kathmandu with Lunch and Dinner.
  • Trekking Equipments.
  • Travel insurance that is just in case.
  • Tips for Guide and porters.


  • Sleeping Bag, Down Jacket, three pairs of trekking t-shirts and long sleeved shirts.
  • Thermal Shirt for Colder place, Fleece Jacket, Warm wool Sweaters, Waterproof and windproof Jacket.
  • Cotton Trekking pants with folding, Waterproof and windproof pants.
  • Sun Hat, Wool or fleece hat, Headlight, Sunglass, Sunscreen 50, Face wipes and towel.
  • Trekking Boats, ¾ Paris Preferably Cotton Socks, Crampon, one pairs extra Sport Shoes, Gaiters, just in case if snow, Gloves and Thick Gloves.
  • Big rucksack above the 40 L, Waterproof Bag Cover, Rain Coat, Trekking Pole (if you needed).
  • Laundry Soap, Shampoo, Toothbrush, Toilet papers, Water peals.
  • Bottle for drinking water, Pen and Note Book Copy and Tourist Guide Book.
  • Camera, battery charger, Memory card, Cell Phone and Charger, Money Wallet, Altimeters and Playing card.
  • Diamox, Cotton bandages, Paracetamol, Painkillers, Loperamide to Control diarrhea (just in Case).
  • Water purified tablets, Lozenges, Elastic bandages, Thermometer, Moleskin and sling.

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