Madhubani Paintings - An ancient Art of Rural India

Madhubani painting or Mithila painting is a traditional style of paintings of the Madhubani region of Indian state Bihar. Popularly known for its own style and popularity, this folk style of painting is mostly crafted by women of rural area. Due to its historical importance, one can find the sign of history in its style. Mainly gods' goddess and natural resources are crafted in this painting style. Painting is an important part of life in Madhubani as women's are making paintings in all important events including marriages.
One can find wide range of Madhubani painting design by Googling and can easily find the way and style it is crafted. Pictures included Lord Rama marriage, raas lila of Lord Krishna and the images of Sun, Ganesha and Fish. Fish is an important part of the lifestyle of not only Madhubani, but also the entire Mithila region.
Passed down from generations, Madhubani Paintings mirror the rich cultural diversity of the country. Oozed deep in their existence, they are somewhat unique style of paintings. For centuries the Madhubani paintings have inspired the art aficionados with their vibrant sketches and striking colors. For the tourists coming on the tour to India, these painting open up the new world of artistic expression.

Madhubani paintings originated from the town of Madhubani in the north Indian state of Bihar. And since their origin to the present day they surpassed all conceptions and none equaled them in expressions. The best painters in the world are inspired by this overwhelming art. It is practiced only the females of the region. They put the best of their skills and desires on the canvas.
It is not only the paintings that are of importance but the spirit of the people that has kept this traditional art survives for centuries. These paintings have maintained the strong social network among the women in Bihar. They usually work in groups of many; first of all they plaster the wall with the cow dung. Then draws they draw the outlines with the twig of bamboo whose ends are frayed. They are mainly characterized by their color themes that normally range between orange, red, yellow, green, pink, black and white. Earlier these colors were prepared by women from mineral and plant extracts but now they are taken over by the chemical colors available in the market.

The themes of the Madhubani paintings are largely religious. These paintings are the intricate, colorful illuminations or figures from nature and myth on household. They are prepared to mark the religious ceremonies, important festivals and special events of the life cycle. For many households in the region they are the only medium of earning bread and butter. This art work holds the special significance among the Brahmin women. Women offer sincere prayers to the God and Goddess before starting the work.

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