Splendours of Africa takes you to an adventure for a Hot air balloon ride that takes place in scenic beauty of Masai Mara. A gentle ascent takes you well above tree-top level and the whispering light breeze soothes the hearts as you enjoy a panoramic view of wildlife drama unequalled anywhere in the whole wide world. Thrilling drama of nature's battle of predators verses the preys, that is constantly displayed in the savanna grassland from time immemorial. It's worthy your dollar.

Masai Mara Balloon Safari

Close your eyes, and for a moment feel your body lift up, with you having no control over it, and there is a certain part of you, inside you, saying to yourself, I am crazy for taking this balloon safari. This is what most people feel, when the excitement of a Masai Mara hot air balloon safari crosses one's emotion of self-control and independence.

You trip begins when you get your wake up call at your safari lodge or tented camp in the early hours of the morning, as you yawn away, and thoughts about your wildlife viewing from an elevated position begins to stir your mind. The fresh Kenyan traditional hot tea and coffee quickly awaken you, in fact preparing you for a "mission".

Price for the Masai Mara Hot air balloon safari is $ 450 per person

At dawn we take off, rising as the sun rises and float in whichever direction the winds of the morning take us. Your pilot can precisely control the altitude of your balloon: sometimes flying at treetop height, sometimes lower, offering a unique perspective and great photographic opportunities of the wildlife below.
At other times he will ascend to 1000' or more to see the enormity and wonderful panorama of the Masai Mara. From time to time the pilot must put more heat into the balloon with the powerful whisper burners. In between these burns, there is silence apart from the natural sounds below.
The flight is for about one hour depending on conditions, on landing you celebrate in the traditional manner with champagne (well, an excellent sparkling wine), before sitting down to a full English breakfast prepared and served in the bush in 'Out of Africa' style with bone china, linen table cloths, King's silver etc.
After breakfast you receive your Balloon certificate and we drive you back to the Lodge or camp with game viewing en route. 9:30 am Arrive at the lodge/camp ready to continue your day's activities.

Remember to put on practical clothes, preferably cotton, a sweater will shield you against sometimes windy flights. Sturdy shoes are necessary. Sunglasses and camera to catch the real drama will come in handy.

For bookings and reservations on the safari above kindly contact us on:
Mr Ben Owino
Adventure safari specialist
Splendours of Africa Tours
Uganda House 1st Floor suite no 20 Kenyatta Avenue
Mobile:+254- 724- 978- 975 / +254-711-444-295.
P.O.Box 13906 - 00100 GPO, Nairobi-Kenya

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