India has been internationally famed as the most distinctive region of the world with its astonishing culture and developments that are reaching heights. Both of these distinguishing features largely contribute in tempting travelers to visit this incredible nation with other enticing attractions as well. Golden Triangle of India incorporates some of the finest attractions and the idiosyncratic features of our Indian subcontinent which makes India among the most distinguishing countries. For those who are trying to comprehend that what this Golden Triangle India is below is a brief introduction.

One can get an idea from the name Golden Triangle that the destination which is talked about is regarding triplets. The trinity of cities is what this Golden Triangle is all about as it stands as the best touring trail that is designed for those travelers who are unaware of the significance of this exceptional country and its mesmerizing beauty. The three cities that are covered by this tour are Delhi, Agra and Jaipur which affirms to be the golden cities of India showcasing all of the enticing facets of this wonderland. And these exceptional golden cities splendidly form a triangle on the geography of India. By now you must be wondering that the most precise name has been given to this exceptional travel circuit.Golden Triangle Tour packages

The golden trail of this tour commences from the most eminent city of India – Delhi which even affirms to be its national capital that is what makes it the most special city incorporating most of the fascinating facets of India. Delhi is my personal favorite destination and I am sure that exploring the wonders of this city will make it yours too. New Delhi and Old Delhi are the two dominant areas that are divided by a major difference that lies in eyes. Delhi Tour Attractions

With this I mean old Delhi depicts the past glory of India by its ancient charm where as New Delhi represents the present developments of India and this where the major difference lies.

Delhi is affluent in all of the enticing attractions from shopping to food, from heritage to mesmerizing landscapes. Agra the second one incorporates almost all of the mesmerizing facets to quench the thirst of travelers. Agra has been penned a number of times as the wonder city because it affirms to be the most fortunate place which is blessed by the international wonder – Taj Mahal. Taj Mahal Tours

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