Prague Statues Write Your Text Message in Bodily Fluids

Who said statues don't have bodily functions? The city of Prague takes the 2010 Tripatini Grand Prize for World's Most Imaginative, Not to Say Weird, Public Sculpture.

On Kampa Island, wedged on the Vltava River between the Old Town and the Malá Strana quarter, two bronze male figures take an eternal leak, moving their torsos -- and their privates -- as they do so. That already beats Brussels' Mannekin Pis by several light-years of technological development. But it gets better: these guys write quotes penned by famous Prague residents with their potent stream.

Freaked out yet? Well, just when you thought it couldn't get any weirder, it does: you can whip out your, um, cell phone and send a text message to the statues' microprocessors, and the boys will spell out your message in piss! (Wouldn't that be just about the most original way to propose to your fiancée??).

Blame Czech sculptor David Černý (pronounced CHER-nee) for this bit of public aquatic whimsy, and thank the beautiful city of Prague for allowing this insanely original artist to thrive!

PS: Click the link above, there's even a little video there!

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Comment by José Balido on April 6, 2010 at 2:17pm
Wait! It DOES get weirder! Is that the map of the Czech Republic they're peeing on? If so, the guy on the right appears to be standing right on top of Prague (or is it Kladno?). And the chap on the left is firmly planted over the Moravian city of Brno, second-largest city in the country. What does it all mean???

Of course, from another angle, it could look like a map of Greenland. Or is it Burkina Faso?

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