Proximate Birds at Bird Sanctuary, Bharatpur


Keoladeo National Park is the most wetland for the congress of migratory birds, with its unique habitat and rich ecology, in India. It has been consistently performed well in the top rated wetlands in the world since its incorporation to National Park and World Heritage Site. It is come across the migratory birds flying zone when the birds enter in India. It is a famous avifauna sanctuary that plays host to thousands of birds especially during the winter season. For the tourists, its location is really in great reach due to its location on the midpoint of golden triangle which is largely taken by global folks.

Nowhere in India birds are seen at a quite short distance, here, birds are human friendly because of its topographic formation. Bird watching in Keoladeo bring tourists so close to nature and make overwhelming experience when you have your dine birds beleaguered you with chattering to share your food, turtles await for the feed sounds and come out. Cacophony of painted stork’s chicks, which is a largest colony of north India, ducks make the ambience rather cinematic. 30% of birds of Indian Subcontinents can be seen here round the year, terrestrial birds have great chunk. It has been significantly hosted, the central population of Siberia, the migratory large bird Siberian Crane for several years and the only wintering site of this species in India. There is about 15 species of birds nest in Heronry – Openbill Stork, Painted Stork, White Ibis, Spoonbill, Large Cormorant, Shag, Little Cormorant, Darter, Large Egret, Median Egret, Little Egret, Cattle Egret, Grey Heron, Purple Heron, Night Heron. 27 species of mammals keep your energy and enjoyment activate encountering or following Spotted Deer, Sambhar, Jackals, Hyaenas, Mongoose, Porcupine, Jungle Cat and Civet. Presence of Indian Rock Python roll thrill among visitors in the park. Fish fauna of the park comprises 55 species, of which some enter the park along with the water from Ajan Bund, and some species are breeding residents. During a good rainy season the park receives around 65 million fish fry and fingerlings. Traffic on flowers decorate the hosting trees and plants is enticing to attract your attention and compelled you to take out your camera to cover the 70 odd species of Butterflies. Religious role in conservation activities is adorable, the saint of temple adopt injured animals for the period of wellness and keeps them like a child; this kind of amazing bond of love is rarely seen anywhere else. Food and accommodation facilities are available within the precincts of the park. Visitors can also stay in palaces, havelis and other heritage properties converted into hotels. This man made wetland is a key path for students, scientist, photographers, birdwatchers and nature lovers to learn and discover lot more.

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