Quaint streets and cloddish beaches of Uruguay

If you simply want to experience the new hotels that sprung up in Uruguay attracting famous celebrities such as Shakira, then visit the eclectic country of Uruguay. Think about high energy beaches like the ones on Jose Ignacio where the likes of Jason Wu party whole night bringing up the vibe to extreme levels. The crowd is fascinated if not electrified; this is in fact the best place to be if you want to party with classy people who seem to look and feel like lo-key personalities on the dance floor, you decide for yourself so come and visit the beautiful Uruguay.

It is a big country with plenty of cities to choose from so I’m going to share the things that you can do in Uruguay instead. Oh, and don’t forget to bring your ESTA Visa with you for an incredible and hassle free fun adventure.

If you want to stroll on cobbled streets, perhaps hand in hand with your lovely wife or date, visit the electrifying city of Colonia del Sacramento. This city was once the center of commerce but later on, it was overtaken by Montevideo but it does not mean that you can not experience wonderful things here; if not, it is even your advantage because you see historic places of interest, kind of makes your exploration simply fascinating. You can even run on the riverside all the while tracking the shoreline to the very iconic lighthouse offering breathtaking views of the whole Colonia. Lighthouses are symbols of hope, a point or reference that bodes good voyages; perhaps, enrich your travel wisdom as you gaze over endless blue horizons and sensational sunsets.

If Florida has Miami, Uruguay has its Punta del Este. The nightlife is simply ecstatic and a powerful one at that. Lose all your inhibitions and go crazy on parties, the rest of the crowd will understand because they too are on the same level of trance. Brazilians and Argentinians love this place. Oh and if you still do not get the vibe, think about crazy hot ladies wanting nothing but carefree parties. Be the boss and do the honors of paying for her drinks and have the best night of your life.

If you are the simple type, not big on crazed nights and mind numbing booze and eardrum breaking music, visit the ever bright fishing village of Punta del Diablo. Do not fear the name though because there are no demons here or criminal minds for that matter. You are not on Hollywood my friend, this place is home to hospitable fisher folks. The village is simply sensational, think about colorful houses dotting the hills overlooking the seas. The boats are looking fine too, not the dilapidated ones and you can even talk to a fisherman and make a deal for a fantastic boat ride and savor the soothing breeze of the seas whilst floating around rocking slowly on mild waves. Of course, the quaint feel of the beach is simply screaming for you to jump on it. Relax and enjoy on this unsophisticated village; forget all your troubles for a moment and have a sip of wine while gently feeling the waters lap off your feet.

Have fun.

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